attributes 0.8.2 attributes: ^0.8.2 copied to clipboard
Decode and encode structured data type-safely from JSON. Utilities for data objects, entities and values.
// Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Navibyte ( All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a “BSD-3-Clause”-style license that is
// specified in the LICENSE file.
// Docs:
// ignore_for_file: unused_local_variable, avoid_print
import 'package:attributes/attributes.dart';
import 'package:equatable/equatable.dart';
To test run this from command line:
dart example/attributes_example.dart
void main() {
// configure Equatable to apply toString() default impls
EquatableConfig.stringify = true;
// call sample
void _intro() {
// sample JSON data
const sample = '''
"name": "Dash",
"type": "mascot",
"introduced": 2018,
"fainted": "2021-03-03",
"language": {
"name": "Dart",
"isNullSafe": true,
"nullProperty": null,
"nonNullProperty": "nonNull"
"toolkit": {
"name": "Flutter",
"fps": 60.0,
"platforms": [ "iOS", "Android", "Windows", "macOS", "Linux", "Web"]
// Decode JSON data as a data object.
final props = DataObject.decodeJson(sample);
// Access required null-safe properties using type-safe getXXX accessors.
// These calls throw if a property is missing or does not convert to a type.
final name = props.getString('name');
final introduced = props.getInt('introduced');
final fainted = props.getTimeUTC('fainted');
// Access optional nullable properties using type-safe tryXXX accessors.
// These calls never throw but return null if a property is missing or does
// not convert to a type. An optional default value cab be given after
// null-aware operator `??`.
final web = props.tryString('web') ?? '';
/// It's easy to check nullable values from accessors of optional properties.
final users = props.tryBigInt('knownUsers');
if (users != null) {
print('The number of users ($users) is now known and it is huge!');
} else {
print('Data for known users not yet collected.');
// Hierarchical data is represented by sub data objects (JSON Objects) or
// sub data arrays (JSON Arrays). For example data objects can be
// accessed by "object" (required data) or "tryObject" (optional) accessors.
final toolkit = props.object('toolkit');
// Numeric values can be clamped to a range if value validation is needed.
// Min and max limits are optional parameters when accessing num, int, double,
// or BigInt.
final fps = toolkit.getDouble('fps', min: 60.0, max: 120.0);
// Access an optional data array as a nullable variable.
final platforms = toolkit.tryArray('platforms');
// Trying to get an item by index in a data array (here nullable). Returns
// null if not available, but in this example should return a String.
final android = platforms?.tryString(1);
// print sample properties
print('$name was introduced in $introduced and fainted in ${fainted.year}.');
print('The website is $web.');
print('Flutter aims at $fps fps and can be run on $android.');
// As already described dynamic data like JSON may also contain nulls or an
// element for a certain key might not exist at all. Sometimes it's reasonable
// just to check whether an value exists without trying to access it.
final lang = props.object('language');
if (lang.exists('nullProperty')) {
// executes when exists and a value is either null or non-null
if (lang.existsNull('nullProperty')) {
// executes when exists and a value is null
if (lang.existsNonNull('nonNullProperty')) {
// executes when exists and a value is NOT null
// This is not a check but accesses a required boolean value.
if (lang.getBool('isNullSafe')) {
print('Dart is null-safe!');
// Identifiers can be based on String, int or BigInt values, here a String id.
final dashId = Identifier.fromString('dash-2018');
if (dashId.isInt) {
final intId = dashId.asInt();
} else {
final stringId = dashId.asString();
// An entity contains required properties and an optional id.
final dash = Entity.of(id: dashId, properties: props);