at_persistence_secondary_server 3.0.66 at_persistence_secondary_server: ^3.0.66 copied to clipboard
A Dart library with the implementation classes for the persistence layer of the secondary server.
3.0.66 #
- feat: Add "PublicKeyHash" to the "AtMetadata" which holds the hash value of encryption public key
- build[deps]: Upgraded the following packages:
- at_commons to v5.0.2
- lints to v5.0.0
- test to v1.25.8
3.0.65 #
- fix: Modified checks in commit log keystore _alwaysIncludeInSync method to match only reserved shared_key, encryption public key and public key without namespace.
- build[deps]: Upgraded the following packages:
- at_commons to v5.0.1
3.0.64 #
- build[deps]: Upgraded the following packages:
- at_commons to v5.0.0
- at_utils to v3.0.19
3.0.63 #
- fix: Ensure only latest commitEntry for each present in CommitLogCache
3.0.62 #
- fix: Add check for hive key max length (255 chars)
- build[deps]: Upgraded the following packages:
- at_commons to v4.0.5
- hive to v2.2.3
- crypto to v3.0.3
3.0.61 #
- feat: delete entries for expired keys are not committed to the commitLog [feature not enabled yet]
3.0.60 #
- build[deps]: Upgraded the following packages:
- at_commons to v4.0.0
- at_utils to v3.0.16
3.0.59 #
- fix: When checking namespace authorization, gracefully handle any malformed keys which happen to be in the commit log for historical reasons
3.0.58 #
- fix: Modify "lastCommittedSequenceNumberWithRegex" to return highest commitId among enrolled namespaces
3.0.57 #
- fix: Refactor commit log keystore to optimize memory usage
3.0.56 #
- fix: Refactor Hive keystore to optimize memory usage
- fix: Apply Utf7.decode function to decode the keys and atSigns containing emojis.
- feat: add skipCommit flag to keystore implementation which enables skipping commit log for put/create/remove.
3.0.54 #
- fix: Add NotificationType.Self in read and write methods of at_notification.dart
3.0.53 #
- feat: Introduced self notification type in enum for apkam enrollment
- chore: upgraded at_commons to 3.0.50 and at_utils to 3.0.14
3.0.52 #
- feat: Add new encryption metadata fields to core persistence classes
3.0.51 #
- feat: Extend sanity-checking of server-side commitLog upon startup
3.0.50 #
- fix: AtMetaData.fromJson now preserves null values for ttl, ttb and ttr
- test: Add '==' & hashCode to AtMetaData in order to be able to test equality
- test: Added tests which verify JSON round-tripping of AtMetaData objects
- refactor: Deprecate at_metadata_adapter; extract the 'to' and 'from' commons Metadata methods from there into the AtMetaData class itself
3.0.49 #
- fix: AtData.toJson() now works when the key is null
3.0.48 #
- fix: Ensure HiveKeystore's metaDataCache's keys are in lower case
3.0.47 #
- feat: conform to at_persistence_spec 2.0.11
3.0.46 #
- fix: AtMetadata.version does not update on the update of a key
3.0.45 #
- fix: Introduce "isScheduled" method in "AtCompactionService" to know if the compaction job is running
3.0.44 #
- fix: Refactor AtCompaction job
3.0.43 #
- fix: Fetch only commit entries with 'null' commit-id for uncommitted entries in at_client persistence
3.0.42 #
- fix: rollback keystore delete KeyNotFoundException
3.0.41 #
- fix: store actual keys in hive keystore metadata cache instead of encoded keys
- feat: throw KeyNotFoundException if key to be removed is not present in keystore
3.0.40 #
- feat: Refrain adding local keys to commit log.
3.0.39 #
- fix: lastSyncedEntry to accept signing private key
3.0.38 #
- fix: Revert sync of signing keys and 'statsNotificationId'
3.0.37 #
- fix: skip commit id for the 'statsNotificationId'
3.0.36 #
- fix: skip commit id and sync for signing keys
- fix: dart analyzer issues
- chore: upgrade third party dependencies
3.0.35 #
- fix: Randomize the cron job's start interval
- fix: Reduce the default notification expiry duration
3.0.34 #
- fix: Reverted dependency on 'meta' package to ^1.7.0 as flutter_test package (currently) requires 1.7.0
3.0.33 #
- feat: added key validation to keystore put and create methods
- chore: upgraded at_commons version to 3.0.24
3.0.32 #
- Add 'encoding' to AtMetadata which represents the type of encoding
3.0.31 #
- Invalidate commit log cache on removing entry from commit log
3.0.30 #
- Enhance KeyNotFoundException to chain into exception hierarchy.
- Upgrade at_commons version to 3.0.20 to encrypt notify text
3.0.29 #
- Introduced option to stop current schedule of a compaction job
- Enable the public hidden keys to sync between local and cloud secondary
- Uptake at_commons to 3.0.18 to optionally display hidden keys in scan
3.0.28 #
- Updated lastSyncedEntryCacheMap regex to match the reserved keys
- Upgraded to version 2.0.6 of at_persistence_spec containing @server/@client annotations
3.0.27 #
- Downgrade meta package to 1.7.0(minimum) version
3.0.26 #
- Replace null commitId's with hive internal key on secondary server startup
- Return commit entry with highest commitId from lastSyncedEntry
- Upgrade at_commons version for AtException hierarchy
3.0.25 #
- To reduce latency on notifications, publish the event for the notification before persisting the notification
3.0.24 #
- Introduced a cache to speed up metaData retrieval.
- Removed unnecessary print statements
3.0.23 #
- Add remove method in NotificationManagerSpec.
3.0.22 #
- Bumped some dependencies
3.0.21 #
- Upgrade at_lookup and at_commons for NotifyRemove
3.0.20 #
- Upgrade Hive version to 2.1.0
3.0.19 #
- add encryption shared key and public key checksum to metadata
3.0.18 #
- Renamed compaction stats attributes
- Modified return type and added optional params in hive keystore put and create methods
3.0.17 #
- Support to collect and store compaction statistics
3.0.16 #
- at_lookup version upgrade for implementing server error responses
- at_commons version upgrade for AtTimeoutException
3.0.15 #
- at_utils version upgrade
3.0.14 #
- Fix commit log compaction issue.
3.0.13 #
- at_utils and at_commons version upgrade.
- Fix notification expiry bug.
3.0.12 #
- Changes to support reset of ttb
3.0.11 #
- Enhance commit log compaction service
3.0.10 #
- persistence spec version upgrade
3.0.9 #
- Added support for notification expiry based on ttl
3.0.8 #
- at_utils and at_commons version upgrade.
3.0.7 #
- compaction delete bug fix
- reduce compaction frequency to 12 hours
3.0.6 #
- Support for Hive lazy and in memory boxes
3.0.5 #
- Rollback hive lazy box
3.0.4 #
- Remove compaction strategy
3.0.3 #
- Fix for sync bug in commit log
3.0.2 #
- Add null check in commitLog KeyStore
3.0.1 #
- Change Hive box type to lazy box
3.0.0 #
- Sync pagination feature
2.0.6 #
- fix for hive closed box issue
2.0.5 #
- logs for hive closed box issue
2.0.4 #
- at_commons version change for last notification time in monitor
2.0.3 #
- at_commons version change for stream resume
2.0.2 #
- at_commons version change
2.0.1 #
- at_commons version change
2.0.0 #
- Null safety upgrade
1.0.1+8 #
- Refactor code with dart lint rules
- Fixed minor bug in secondary persistence store factory
1.0.1+7 #
- Third party package dependency upgrade
1.0.1+6 #
- Add await on close methods.
1.0.1+5 #
- Notification sub system changes
1.0.1+4 #
- Added Support for multiple AtSigns
- Introduced batch verb for sync
1.0.1+3 #
- Public data Signing
- Sync with regex
- at_persistence_spec changes
1.0.1+2 #
- Notifylist issue fix for atSigns with emojis Add close methods for keystore.
1.0.1+1 #
- at_persistence_spec version changes
1.0.1 #
- Documentation changes
1.0.0 #
- Initial version, created by Stagehand