asyncstate 2.1.0 copy "asyncstate: ^2.1.0" to clipboard
asyncstate: ^2.1.0 copied to clipboard

This package will help you to call a loading in your async methods very easily, and you don't need to worried when it's is starting or finishing.

Async State


iOS Android Mac Linux Windows

Usage #

1 - Wrap your MaterialApp Or CurpertinoApp with the AsyncStateBuilder.
2 - Get the "navigatorObserver" from the builder function and add it to your component's "navigatorObservers".
3 - If you want, you can add a widget to "CustomLoader", exceptionHandlers or disable the log.

Code example:

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    /// Here you need to wrap your MaterialApp with the AsyncStateBuilder
    return AsyncStateBuilder(
      /// Here you can customize your default loading that will show every transaction
      /// Leave it and it will show a simple CircularProgress.adaptive indicator
      customLoader: const GlobalLoading(),

      /// Here you can enable or disable the log
      enableLog: true,

      ///You can customize your exceptions handlers for route
      exceptionHandlers: {
        '_': GlobalExceptionHandler(),
        '/Home/Detail': DetailExceptionHandler(),
      builder: (navigatorObserver) => MaterialApp(
        themeMode: ThemeMode.dark,
        theme: ThemeData.dark(),

        /// Here you need to pass the navigatorObserver to the MaterialApp
        navigatorObservers: [navigatorObserver],
        initialRoute: '/Home',
        routes: {
          '/Home': (context) => const HomePage(),
          '/Home/Detail': (context) => const DetailPage(),
          '/Home/Detail/SecondDetail': (context) => const SecondDetailPage(),

Attention #

All methods allow you to customize the “loader”, when you change the "enum LoaderType", you need to ensure that the "customLoader" is already a widget of the same type. #

Method - (Extension) asyncState #

Use the “asyncState” extension in asynchronous calls, you won't have to worry about opening or closing the “loader”. #

 Future<void> loginSuccess() async {
    final result = await _functionSuccess().asyncLoader();
    debugPrint('Login Success result: $result');

Future<void> loadMorePersonalized() async {
    await _functionFailure().asyncLoader(
      customLoader: HomeCustomLoaderSnackbar(),
      loaderType: LoaderType.snackBar,

Method - (Class OR Context Extension) AsyncLoaderHandler #

The "AsyncLoaderHandler" method, allows you to have control over the open loader. Don't worry about “exceptions”, "asyncState" will close the loader if an “exception” is raised before you call “close”. #

 Future<void> loginSuccessHandler() async {
    final handler = AsyncLoaderHandler.start();
    final result = await _functionSuccess().asyncLoader();
    debugPrint('Login Success result: $result');

///OR On View
  onPressed: () async {
    await errorCall();
  child: const Text('Loader Error by context'),

Method - (Interface Class) AsyncStateExceptionHandler #

You can create a class that extends "AsyncStateExceptionHandler", with it, you can handle “exceptions” automatically and per route. #

It is necessary to check the "exception.runtimeType", or it will execute the action in any “exception”.

class DetailExceptionHandler implements AsyncStateExceptionHandler {
  void onException(
    Object exception,
    StackTrace stackTrace,
    BuildContext context,
  ) {
    switch (exception.runtimeType) {
      case DetailException:
            content: Text(
      case _:

On Main #

In “main”, you can define a specific “AsyncStateExceptionHandler” for each route. The “_” is global, it will be used if the current route does not have a unique “AsyncStateExceptionHandler”.

 ///You can customize your exceptions handlers for route
exceptionHandlers: {
  '_': GlobalExceptionHandler(),
  '/Home/Detail': DetailExceptionHandler(),

Bugs or Requests #

If you encounter any problems feel free to open an issue. If you feel the library is missing a feature, please raise a ticket on GitHub and I'll look into it. Pull request are also welcome.

Contributors #

Leonardo Serrano

Marcus Brasizza

Felipe Sales

If you like what I do, maybe consider buying me a coffee/tea 🥺👉👈

Buy Me A Coffee

pub points



This package will help you to call a loading in your async methods very easily, and you don't need to worried when it's is starting or finishing.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)




Packages that depend on asyncstate