async_field 1.1.0 copy "async_field: ^1.1.0" to clipboard
async_field: ^1.1.0 copied to clipboard

Async fields that can be stored or fetched from any source (databases, web services, local storage or other thread/isolate), with observable values, caches and stale versions.

async_field #

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Async fields that can be stored or fetched from any source (databases, web services, local storage or other thread/isolate), with observable values, caches and stale versions.

Usage #

A simple usage example:

import 'dart:convert' as convert;
import 'dart:io';

import 'package:async_field/async_field.dart';

void main() async {
  // The fields storage:
  var storage = AsyncStorage();

  // Get field 'btc_usd',
  var field = storage.getField<double>('btc_usd')
    ..defaultValue = double.nan // default value (before fetch).
    ..withFetcher(_fetchBtcUsd) // the field fetcher.
    ..onChange.listen((field) => print('onChange> $field')); // change listener.

  print('BTX-USD: $field');
  print(' ${}');

  // Get the field value:
  var btcUsd = await field.get();

  print('field.get(): $btcUsd');

  print('BTX-USD: $field');
  print(' ${}');

/// Function that fetches the BTS-USD price.
Future<double> _fetchBtcUsd(AsyncField<double> field) async {
  return _getURL('')
          .resolveMapped((body) {
    var json = convert.json.decode(body) as Map<String, dynamic>;
    var rate = json['bpi']['USD']['rate_float'];
    return double.parse('$rate');

/// Simple HTTP get URL function.
Future<String> _getURL(String url) async {
  var uri = Uri.parse(url);
  var httpClient = HttpClient();

  var response =
  await httpClient.getUrl(uri).then((request) => request.close());

  var data = await response.transform(convert.Utf8Decoder()).toList();
  var body = data.join();
  return body;


BTX-USD: NaN { "id": "btc_usd" , "storage": 1 }
field.get(): 34498.9417
BTX-USD: 34498.9417 { "value": 34498.9417 , "id": "btc_usd" , "valueTime": 1624846823650 , "storage": 1 }
onChange> 34498.9417

Source #

The official source code is hosted @ GitHub:

Features and bugs #

Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.

Contribution #

Any help from the open-source community is always welcome and needed:

  • Found an issue?
    • Please fill a bug report with details.
  • Wish a feature?
    • Open a feature request with use cases.
  • Are you using and liking the project?
    • Promote the project: create an article, do a post or make a donation.
  • Are you a developer?
    • Fix a bug and send a pull request.
    • Implement a new feature.
    • Improve the Unit Tests.
  • Have you already helped in any way?
    • Many thanks from me, the contributors and everybody that uses this project!

If you donate 1 hour of your time, you can contribute a lot, because others will do the same, just be part and start with your 1 hour.

Author #

Graciliano M. Passos: gmpassos@GitHub.

License #

Apache License - Version 2.0

FOSSA Status

pub points


unverified uploader

Async fields that can be stored or fetched from any source (databases, web services, local storage or other thread/isolate), with observable values, caches and stale versions.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


Apache-2.0 (LICENSE)


async_extension, collection


Packages that depend on async_field