archethic_wallet_client 2.0.7
archethic_wallet_client: ^2.0.7 copied to clipboard
A client dart library to interact with Archethic Wallet RPC API.
A client library to interact with ArchethicWallet RPC API.
What is ArchethicWallet RPC #
Check AEIP-4 to know more.
Usage #
Add dependency #
$ flutter pub add archethic-wallet-client
Setup Deeplink #
If your application is intended to work on Android or iOS, you must setup a Deeplink endpoint on your application.
This is required to get DeeplinkRPC to work.
Android #
A queries
element must be added to your manifest as a child of the root element.
<!-- AEWallet deeplink support -->
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
android:host="" />
Add a meta-data
tag and intent filter
to AndroidManifest.xml
inside the activity
tag with the ".MainActivity" name:
<!-- AEWallet deeplink support -->
android:value="true" />
<intent-filter android:autoVerify="true">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
<!-- Replace `flutterdappexample` by your custom deeplink scheme -->
<!-- Replace `dapp.example` by your custom deeplink host -->
<!-- These will be used to compose the replyUrl when sending RPCs -->
android:host="dapp.example" />
iOS #
Add LSApplicationQueriesSchemes
entries in your Info.plist
Add two new keys to Info.plist
in the ios/Runner
<!-- Replace `flutterdappexample` by your custom deeplink scheme -->
<!-- Replace `dapp.example` by your custom deeplink host -->
<!-- These will be used to compose the replyUrl when sending RPCs -->
Other Native setups #
MacOS #
to macos/Runner/DebugProfile.entitlements
and macos/Runner/Release.entitlements
Client setup #
Instanciate a client #
import 'package:archethic-wallet-client/archethic-wallet-client.dart';
// 1. Instanciate a Client
final _aewalletClient =
origin: const RequestOrigin( // Sets Dapp identity informations. Might be displayed to the user.
name: 'FlutterDappExample',
replyBaseUrl: 'flutterdappexample://dapp.example', // Deeplink Dapp endpoint
[Deeplink only] Listen to deeplink responses #
Handle incoming deeplinks in the onGenerateRoute
method :
// 2. Listens to deeplink responses
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
const MyApp({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
title: 'Flutter Dapp Demo',
home: MyHome(),
onGenerateRoute: (settings) {
if ((_aewalletClient as DeeplinkArchethicDappClient)
.handleRoute( return;
//... do everything else needed by your application
return null;
Emit requests #
final response = await _aewalletClient.sendTransaction(
failure: (failure) {
'Transaction failed',
error: failure,
success: (result) {
'Transaction succeed : ${json.encode(result)}',
RPC Methods #
There are two kinds of methods :
- one time call
- subscriptions.
Subscriptions won't be available on Deeplink channel because of technical limitations.
get_endpoint #
Gets the endpoint URL used on AEWallet.
Request #
// no payload in request
Success Response #
"endpointUrl": String // Endpoint URL
refresh_current_account #
Request the wallet to refresh current account info
Request #
// no payload in request
Success Response #
// no response
get_accounts #
Gets the accounts available on AEWallet.
Request #
// No payload
Success Response #
"accounts": [
"shortName": String, // Account name
"serviceName": String // Service name
"genesisAddress": String, // Genesis address
send_transaction #
Signs and sends a transaction.
Request #
"type": String, // Type of transaction
"version": Number, // Version of the transaction (used for backward compatiblity)
"data": Object, // Transaction data zone (identity, keychain, smart contract, etc.)
"generateEncryptedSeedSC": bool // (Optional) : if true, add a encrypted (by storage nonce public key) seed in the transaction's ownerships to allow nodes to manage smart contract
Success Response #
"transactionAddress": String, // Sent transaction address.
"nbConfirmations": Number, // Number of received confirmations.
"maxConfirmations": Number, // Max number of confirmations.
add_service #
Add a service in the keychain
Request #
"name": String, // Name of the service
Success Response #
"transactionAddress": String, // Transaction address.
"nbConfirmations": Number, // Number of received confirmations.
"maxConfirmations": Number, // Max number of confirmations.
get_services_from_keychain #
Gets keychain's services from the keychain connected to AEWallet.
Request #
// No payload
Success Response #
"services": [
"derivationPath": String, // Derivation path
"curve": String, // Curve
"hashAlgo": String // Hash Algo
keychain_derive_keypair #
Derive a keypair for the given service at the index given and get the public key
Request #
"serviceName": String, // Service name to identify the derivation path to use
"index": Number, // Chain index to derive (optional - default to 0)
"pathSuffix": String // Additional information to add to a service derivation path (optional - default to empty)
Success Response #
"publicKey": String // Public key of the service at the index given
keychain_derive_address #
Derive an address for the given service at the index given
Request #
"serviceName": String, // Service name to identify the derivation path to use
"index": Number, // Chain index to derive (optional - default to 0)
"pathSuffix": String // Additional information to add to a service derivation path (optional - default to empty)
Success Response #
"address": String // Address derived
get_current_account #
Gets the current account selected on AEWallet.
Request #
// No payload
Success Response #
"shortName": String, // Account name
"serviceName": String // Service name
"genesisAddress": String, // Genesis address
sign_transactions #
Signs many transactions.
Request #
"serviceName": String, // Service name to use to sign the tx
"pathSuffix": String, // Additional information to add to a service derivation path (optional)
"description": String { // Readable description to explain the purpose of signing transactions (locale + description)
"en": "Readable description in English",
"fr": "Description lisible en français",
"transactions": [
"type": String, // Type of transaction
"version": Number, // Version of the transaction (used for backward compatiblity)
"data": Object // Transaction data zone (identity, keychain, smart contract, etc.)
Success Response #
"signedTxs": [
"address": String, // Address: hash of the new generated public key for the given transaction
"previousPublicKey": String, // Previous generated public key matching the previous signature
"previousSignature": String, // Signature from the previous public key
"originSignature": String // Signature from the device which originated the transaction (used in the Proof of work)