approval_tests 0.0.7-dev approval_tests: ^0.0.7-dev copied to clipboard
Approval Tests implementation in Dart. Inspired by ApprovalTests.
Approval Tests implementation in Dart 🚀
📖 About #
I want to write, and am writing an implementation of a great tool like Approval Tests in Dart. If anyone wants to help, please text me. 🙏
📦 Installation #
Add the following to your pubspec.yaml
approval_tests: ^0.0.7-dev
📚 How to use #
Comparators #
You can use different comparators to compare files. The default is CommandLineComparator
which compares files in the console.
To use IDEComparator
you just need to add it to options
options: const Options(
comparator: IDEComparator(
ide: ComparatorIDE.visualStudioCode,
But before you add an IDEComparator
you need to do the initial customization:
Visual Studio Code
- For this method to work, you need to have Visual Studio Code installed on your machine.
- And you need to have the
command available in your terminal. - To enable the
command, pressCmd + Shift + P
and typeShell Command: Install 'code' command in PATH
IntelliJ IDEA
- For this method to work, you need to have IntelliJ IDEA installed on your machine.
- And you need to have the
command available in your terminal. - To enable the
command, you need to create the command-line launcher usingTools - Create Command-line Launcher
in IntelliJ IDEA.
Android Studio
- For this method to work, you need to have Android Studio installed on your machine.
- And you need to have the
command available in your terminal. - To enable the
command, you need to create the command-line launcher usingTools - Create Command-line Launcher
in Android Studio.
📝 Examples #
JSON example #
import 'package:approval_tests/approval_dart.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
group('Approval Tests for Complex Objects', () {
test('test complex JSON object', () {
var complexObject = {
'name': 'JsonTest',
'features': ['Testing', 'JSON'],
'version': 0.1,
Gilded Rose #
void main() {
// Define all test cases
const allTestCases = [
["foo", "Aged Brie", "Backstage passes to a TAFKAL80ETC concert", "Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros"],
[-1, 0, 5, 6, 10, 11],
[-1, 0, 1, 49, 50]
group('Approval Tests for Gilded Rose', () {
test('should verify all combinations of test cases', () {
// Perform the verification for all combinations
inputs: allTestCases,
options: const Options(
comparator: IDEComparator(
ide: ComparatorIDE.visualStudioCode,
processor: processItemCombination,
file: "example/gilded_rose/test/approved_results/test",
// Function to process each combination and generate output for verification
String processItemCombination(Iterable<List<dynamic>> combinations) {
final receivedBuffer = StringBuffer();
for (var combination in combinations) {
// Extract data from the current combination
String itemName = combination[0];
int sellIn = combination[1];
int quality = combination[2];
// Create an Item object representing the current combination
Item testItem = Item(itemName, sellIn: sellIn, quality: quality);
// Passing testItem to the application
GildedRose app = GildedRose(items: [testItem]);
// Updating quality of testItem
// Adding the updated item to expectedItems
// Return a string representation of the updated item
return receivedBuffer.toString();
🤝 Contributing #
Show some 💙 and star the repo to support the project! 🙌