app_version_update_lite 4.0.4 app_version_update_lite: ^4.0.4 copied to clipboard
An easy and quick way to check if the local app is updated with the same version in their respective stores (Play Store / Apple Store ).
Retrieve version and url for local app update against store app Android and iOS
Omar Nasser #
Features #
Compares local version with the respective store version for the purpose of detecting user-side version updates.
Getting started #
$ flutter pub add app_version_update_lite
or add in your dependencies
app_version_update_lite: <latest>
to use this app you need to have the app hosted in stores.
To test, you can manually downgrade your pubspec.yaml from your version:
, when you run your local version
it will be different from the store version
Usage #
Internet permission Android:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
Internet permission iOs:
<key>NSAppTransportSecurity</key> <dict> <key>NSAllowsArbitraryLoads</key><true/> </dict>
final appleId = '1234567890'; // If this value is null, its packagename will be considered
final playStoreId = ''; // If this value is null, its packagename will be considered
final country = 'br' // If this value is null 'us' will be the default value
await AppVersionUpdate.checkForUpdates(
appleId: appleId, playStoreId: playStoreId, country: country)
.then((data) async {
//here you can show any custom dialog.
Additional information #
Next Updates | status |
Mandatory or optional update | released |
Create TestMode | development |
Handle Exceptions | development |
New options custom widgets | released |
Automatic country detection | released |
Modularize files | listed |
This project is at an initial level, more functions will be included as
So any suggestion and contribution is welcome.