app_usage 0.0.2
app_usage: ^0.0.2 copied to clipboard
View usage statistics of all applications on the phone (Android only).
app_usage #
Install #
Add app_usage
as a dependency in pubspec.yaml
For help on adding as a dependency, view the documentation.
You need to add the following package to the manifest namespace in AndroidManifest.xml
as well as the following permissions to the manifest:
tools:ignore="ProtectedPermissions" />
Below is an example of how the start of your manifest should look in the end
<manifest xmlns:android=""
Usage #
void function() async {
// Initialization
AppUsage appUsage = new AppUsage();
// Define a time interval
DateTime endDate = new;
DateTime startDate = DateTime(endDate.year, endDate.month,, 0, 0, 0);
// Fetch the usage stats
Map<String, double> usage = await appUsage.getUsage(startDate, endDate);
Example #
The first screen will ask for permission to view usage stats. Tap on your application.
Tap on the 'Permit usage access' switch.
Your application is now running, if the manifest has been corectly set up you should be presented with the following screen after tapping the refresh button.