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Prompt users to a custom action on your app if custom conditions like install time and number of launches are met

App Prompter #

This plugin prompts users to a custom action on your app if custom conditions like install time and number of launches are met.

App Prompter is really inspired by Rate my App

How to use #

Installation #

If you're building your app for Android, be sure that your app is upgraded to the Android Embedding V2 (if you've created your project with a Flutter version ≥ 1.12, you should be okay).

On iOS, if you want to target a version before 10.3, add this in your Info.plist :


By the way, it's important to note that your bundle identifier (in your Info.plist) must match the App ID on iTunes Connect and the package identifier (in your build.gradle) must match your App ID on Google Play.

If for any reason it doesn't match please go to the Using custom identifiers section.

How it works #

App prompter default constructor takes two main parameters (see Example for more info) :

  • minDays Minimum elapsed days since the first app launch.
  • minLaunches Minimum app launches count.

If everything above is verified, the method shouldOpenDialog will return true (false otherwise). Then you should call showPromptDialog which is going to show a native rating dialog on iOS ≥ 10.3 and a custom rating prompt dialog on Android (and on older iOS versions).

Screenshots #

showPromptDialog method with ignoreNative set to true.

Using it in your code #

Code snippets #

// In this snippet, I'm giving a value to all parameters.
// Please note that not all are required (those that are required are marked with the @required annotation).

AppPrompter appPrompter = AppPrompter(
  preferencesPrefix: 'appPrompter_',
  minDays: 0,
  minLaunches: 3,
  remindDays: 2,
  remindLaunches: 3

appPrompter.init().then((_) {
  if (appPrompter.shouldOpenDialog) {
      title: 'Just a Minute', // The dialog title.
      message: 'Since this app is ad free would you mind donate to support its development', // The dialog message.
      actionButton: 'DONATE', // The dialog "action" button text.
      noButton: 'NO THANKS', // The dialog "no" button text.
      laterButton: 'MAYBE LATER', // The dialog "later" button text.
      listener: (button) { // The button click listener (useful if you want to cancel the click event).
        switch(button) {
          case AppPrompterDialogButton.action:
            print('Clicked on "Donate".');
          case AppPrompterDialogButton.later:
            print('Clicked on "Later".');
            print('Clicked on "No".');
        return true; // Return false if you want to cancel the click event.
      dialogStyle: DialogStyle(), // Custom dialog styles.
      onDismissed: () => appPrompter.callEvent(AppPrompterEventType.laterButtonPressed),

Minimal Example #

Below is the minimal code example. This will be for the basic minimal working of this plugin. The below will launch a simple message popup after the defined minimal days/minimal launches along with the default buttons : Prompter, Maybe later and Cancel, with their default behavior.

Place this in your main widget state :

AppPrompter appPrompter = AppPrompter(
  preferencesPrefix: 'appPrompter_',
  minDays: 0, // Show simple popup on first day of install.
  minLaunches: 5, // Show simple popup after 5 launches of app after minDays is passed.

void initState() {

  WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) async {
    await appPrompter.init();
    if (mounted && appPrompter.shouldOpenDialog) {  

If you want a more complete example, please check this one on Github.
You can also follow the tutorial of Marcus Ng on YouTube (for a replacement of doNotOpenAgain, see Broadcasting events).

Advanced #

Where to initialize App Prompter #

You should be careful on where you initialize App Prompter in your project. But thankfully, there's a widget that helps you getting through all of this without any trouble : AppPrompterBuilder. Here's an example :

// The builder should be initialized exactly one time during the app lifecycle.
// So place it where you want but it should respect that condition.

  builder: (context) => MaterialApp(
    home: Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: const Text('App prompter !'),
      body: Center(child: Text('This is my beautiful app !')),
  onInitialized: (context, appPrompter) {
    // Called when App prompter has been initialized.
    // See the example project on Github for more info.

You can totally choose to not use it and to initialize App prompter in your main() method. This is up to you !

Using custom conditions #

A condition is something required to be met in order for the shouldOpenDialog method to return true. App prompter comes with three default conditions :

  • MinimumDaysCondition Allows to set a minimum elapsed days since the first app launch before showing the dialog.
  • MinimumAppLaunchesCondition Allows to set a minimum app launches count since the first app launch before showing the dialog.
  • DoNotOpenAgainCondition Allows to prevent the dialog from being opened (when the user clicks on the No button for example).

You can easily create your custom conditions ! All you have to do is to extend the Condition class. There are five methods to override :

  • readFromPreferences You should read your condition values from the provided shared preferences here.
  • saveToPreferences You should save your condition values to the provided shared preferences here.
  • reset You should reset your condition values here.
  • isMet Whether this condition is met.
  • onEventOccurred When an event occurs in the plugin lifecycle. This is usually here that you can update your condition values. Please note that you're not obligated to override this one (although this is recommended).

You can have an easy example of it by checking the source code of DoNotOpenAgainCondition.

Then you can add your custom condition to App prompter by using the constructor customConditions (or by calling appPrompter.conditions.add before initialization).

Broadcasting events #

As said in the previous section, the shouldOpenDialog method depends on conditions.

For example, when you click on the No button, this event will be triggered and the condition DoNotOpenAgainCondition will react to it and will stop being met and thus the shouldOpenDialog will return false.

You may want to broadcast events in order to mimic the behaviour of the No button for example. This can be done either by using the AppPrompterNoButton or you can directly call callEvent from your current AppPrompter instance in your button onTap callback.

Here are what events default conditions are listening to :

  • MinimumDaysCondition : Later button press.
  • MinimumAppLaunchesCondition : App prompter initialization, Later button press.
  • DoNotOpenAgainCondition : Prompter button press, No button press.

For example, starting from version 0.5.0, the getter/setter doNotOpenAgain has been removed. You must trigger the DoNotOpenAgainCondition either by calling a Prompter button press event or a No button press event (see Example on Github).

Contributions #

You have a lot of options to contribute to this project ! You can :

Dependencies #

This library depends on some other libraries :

pub points


unverified uploader

Prompt users to a custom action on your app if custom conditions like install time and number of launches are met

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


Apache-2.0 (LICENSE)


flutter, pedantic, shared_preferences


Packages that depend on app_prompter