api_manager 0.1.36 copy "api_manager: ^0.1.36" to clipboard
api_manager: ^0.1.36 copied to clipboard

A simple package for manage api request easily with the help of flutter dio api.

api_manager pub package #

A simple flutter API to manage rest api request easily with the help of flutter dio.

Get started #

Install #

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pub package

  api_manager: $latest_version
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Super simple to use #

import 'package:api_manager/api_manager.dart';

void main() async {
  ApiResponse response = await ApiManager().request(
    requestType: RequestType.GET,
    route: "your route",
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Config in a base manager #

class ApiRepository {
  static final ApiRepository _instance = ApiRepository._internal(); /// singleton api repository
  ApiManager _apiManager;

  factory ApiRepository() {
    return _instance;

  /// base configuration for api manager
  ApiRepository._internal() {
    _apiManager = ApiManager();
    _apiManager.options.baseUrl = BASE_URL; /// EX: BASE_URL = https://google.com/api/v1 
    _apiManager.options.connectTimeout = 100000;
    _apiManager.options.receiveTimeout = 100000;
    _apiManager.enableLogging(responseBody: true, requestBody: false); /// enable api logging EX: response, request, headers etc
    _apiManager.enableAuthTokenCheck(() => "access_token"); /// EX: JWT/PASSPORT auth token store in cache

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Examples #

Suppose we have a response model like this:

class SampleResponse{
  String name;
  int id;

        this.name = jsonMap['name'],
        this.id = jsonMap['id'];
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and actual api response json structure is:

    "data": {
        "name": "md afratul kaoser taohid",
        "id": "id"
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#Now we Performing a GET request :

 Future<ApiResponse<SampleResponse>> getRequestSample() async =>
      await _apiManager.request<SampleResponse>(
        requestType: RequestType.GET,
        route: 'api_route',
        requestParams: {"userId": 12}, /// add params if required
        isAuthRequired: true, /// by set it to true, this request add a header authorization from this method enableAuthTokenCheck();
        responseBodySerializer: (jsonMap) {
          return SampleResponse.fromJson(jsonMap); /// parse the json response into dart model class
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#Now we Performing a POST request :

 Future<ApiResponse<SampleResponse>> postRequestSample() async =>
      await _apiManager.request<SampleResponse>(
        requestType: RequestType.POST,
        route: 'api_route',
        requestBody: {"userId": 12}, /// add POST request body
        isAuthRequired: true, /// by set it to true, this request add a header authorization from this method enableAuthTokenCheck();
        responseBodySerializer: (jsonMap) {
          return SampleResponse.fromJson(jsonMap); /// parse the json response into dart model class
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#Now er performing a multipart file upload request :

  Future<ApiResponse<void>> updateProfilePicture(
    String filePath,
  ) async {
    MultipartFile multipartFile =
        await _apiManager.getMultipartFileData(filePath);
    FormData formData = FormData.fromMap({'picture': multipartFile});

    return await _apiManager.request(
      requestType: RequestType.POST,
      isAuthRequired: true,
      requestBody: formData,
      route: 'api_route',
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A simple package for manage api request easily with the help of flutter dio api.

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


MIT (license)


connectivity_plus, dio, flutter


Packages that depend on api_manager