api_guide 1.1.8
api_guide: ^1.1.8 copied to clipboard
API Guide is package to generate API calls documentations like OpenAPI schema.
API Guide #
Flutter package to generate API calls documentations like OpenAPI schema.
Screenshots 💻 #
About ❓ #
- API Guide is package to generate API calls documentations like OpenAPI schema. For example, Get, Post, Put, Delete or Options Http requests and responses.
Features ✨ #
- Possibility to copy sample code to the clipboard by clicking the button.
- Responsive design supports large, medium and small screens.
- Light and dark theme mode.
- Responsive and fast search tool with keystroke shortcuts.
- The beautiful introduction section can be modified as needed.
- The Infinite FAQ section can be modified with any number of questions and answers.
- Seamless scrollable sidebar.
- It appears clear by version and last update date.
- Optional Privacy Policy and Terms of Use API Integration Guide footer links.
- Generative code model covers 30+ snippet code types with multiple servers.
- Optional SPDX Licence API Integration Guide footer link with supporting of 400+ SPDX Licence types.
- Optional variant to change the theme color supports 10+ color distributions.
- Supports 15+ web API standard security schemes.
- Supports Markdown functionality at (Introduction section, API items' description and FAQs answers).
- Built in accordance with W3 Consortium recommendations, OpenAPI Schema and RFCs standards.
Installation ⏳ #
① First: Add to pubspec.yaml:
api_guide: ^1.1.8
② Second: import it to your project:
import 'package:api_guide/api_guide.dart';
③ Finally add APIGuide().display() into your target web pages with required parameters.
Usage ✅ #
Here is a full usage example code:
import 'package:api_guide/api_guide.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
void main() {
runApp(const MyApp());
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
const MyApp({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
// Create the main application widget
return const MaterialApp(
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
title: 'Flutter API Guide Example',
home: MyHomePage(),
class MyHomePage extends StatelessWidget {
const MyHomePage({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
// Use APIGuide package with display method and pass needed parameters.
return APIGuide().display(
context: context,
// Pass the API version as a double number.
version: 1.0,
// Pass the API last update as a DateTime.
latestUpdate: DateTime.parse('2023-10-10'),
// Pass the API introduction as a String.
apiIntro: 'This is some introduction to API Guide.',
// Pass the API Items List with all needed properties.
apiItems: _apiItems,
// Pass the API Servers as needed.
servers: [
const APIServer(
urlHost: 'https://example.com',
// Pass the API FAQs items as needed
apiFaqs: [
question: 'Can Dash Fly?',
answer: 'Yes, Dash can Fly.',
// Define API Items with all needed properties
List<APIItem> _apiItems = [
// Define the first API item
title: 'All Dashes',
urlPath: '/dashes',
description: 'All Dashes get example description.',
securitySchemes: [],
// Define the request for the first API item
request: APIGuideRequest(
method: HttpRequestMethod.GET,
params: [],
body: [],
// Define the response for the first API item
response: [
const APIGuideResponse(
statusCode: HttpResponseStatusCode.OK,
headers: [],
body: {
"status": 200,
"data": {
"name": "Dash",
"isFly": true,
// Define the second API item
title: 'Create',
urlPath: '/create',
description: 'Store Dash post example description.',
securitySchemes: [],
// Define the request for the second API item
request: APIGuideRequest(
method: HttpRequestMethod.POST,
params: [],
body: [
const APIGuideRequestBody(
key: 'name',
value: 'Dash',
type: PropertyType.string,
description: 'This is the name attribute.',
isRequired: true,
const APIGuideRequestBody(
key: 'isFly',
value: true,
type: PropertyType.boolean,
description: 'This is the isFly attribute.',
isRequired: true,
// Define the response for the second API item
response: [
const APIGuideResponse(
statusCode: HttpResponseStatusCode.OK,
headers: [],
body: {
"status": 200,
"data": {
"message": "Data Stored Successfully.",
const APIGuideResponse(
statusCode: HttpResponseStatusCode.BadRequest,
headers: [],
body: {
"status": 400,
"data": {
"message": "Error Data Not Stored!",
Notes 📝 #
- Set the [debugShowCheckedModeBanner] value to [false] to hide the top debug red ribbon at the [MaterialApp].
- If you add the [APIGuide().display()] widget inside the [Scaffold] widget make sure to put it inside the body only without the [appBar], [drawer], [floatingActionButton], [bottomNavigationBar] or [bottomSheet] because it has the Scaffold with all needed attributes as full page screen widget.
- The preferred way to adding [APIGuide().display()] is inside the [build] method as return value directly of the [StatelessWidget].
- If you do not set the [termsLink] or [privacyLink] it is not appear.
- If you do not set the [themeColor] it is automatic take the [APIGuideThemeColor.indigo] swatch palette color.
- There are many internal function attributes that do not affect the raw data that are passed as optional attributes and if passed do not affect the function because they are programmed to automatically change themselves as needed like [APIItem.isHovered], [APIItem.isOptionalSecurity], [APIGuideParam.isSecurityItem] and [APIGuideFAQ.isExpanded].
- To solve the issue of markdown images at the chrome browser:
- Run the terminal prompt:
flutter run --web-renderer html
- Or from toolbar items: Run -> Edit Configurations... -> Additional run args -> then add the value of
--web-renderer html
- Run the terminal prompt:
- To solve the issue of markdown images at the macos:
- Add the following at the "macos/Runner/DebugProfile.entitlements" and "macos/Runner/Release.entitlements" files:
Thank you 🎉 #
Make sure to check out example project. If you find this package useful, star my GitHub repository.
Flutter plugin was developed by: Eng. Mouaz M. Al-Shahmeh