animated_flip_widget 0.0.2 copy "animated_flip_widget: ^0.0.2" to clipboard
animated_flip_widget: ^0.0.2 copied to clipboard

Animated Flip Card is a Flutter package for creating a flipping card animation with customizable front and back widgets, and various options for clickability, flip duration, and flip direction. It is [...]

Animated Flip Card #

A Flutter package that creates an animation of a flipping card.

Features #

  • Creates an animation of a flipping card
  • Allows you to display different widgets on the front and back of the card
  • Includes a FlipController class to control the animation of the flip
  • Allows you to specify whether the card should be clickable or not
  • Allows you to specify the duration of the flipping animation
  • Allows you to specify the direction of the flipping animation (horizontal or vertical)

Getting started #

To use this package, add animated_flip_card as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

animated_flip_card: <latest version>

Usage #

To use the AnimatedFlipWidget, you must pass in three required parameters: front, back, and controller.

  front: Text('Front'),
  back: Text('Back'),
  controller: _controller,

Usage #

To use the AnimatedFlipWidget, you must pass in three required parameters: front, back, and controller.

  front: Text('Front'),
  back: Text('Back'),
  controller: _controller,

You can also specify the optional parameters:

  front: Text('Front'),
  back: Text('Back'),
  controller: _controller,
  clickable: true,
  flipDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 600),
  flipDirection: FlipDirection.Horizontal,

You can control the animation of the flip by calling the flip() method on the FlipController instance.


Additional information #

  • This package uses the TweenAnimationBuilder widget to build a tween animation that rotates the card based on the angle of the controller.
  • It also has an enum class FlipDirection that allows you to define the direction of flipping horizontally or vertically.
  • A sample project demonstrating how to use the package is available in the example directory of this package
pub points



Animated Flip Card is a Flutter package for creating a flipping card animation with customizable front and back widgets, and various options for clickability, flip duration, and flip direction. It is simple to use and can be easily integrated into any project.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (license)




Packages that depend on animated_flip_widget