Animated Flip Card

A Flutter package that creates an animation of a flipping card.


  • Creates an animation of a flipping card
  • Allows you to display different widgets on the front and back of the card
  • Includes a FlipController class to control the animation of the flip
  • Allows you to specify whether the card should be clickable or not
  • Allows you to specify the duration of the flipping animation
  • Allows you to specify the direction of the flipping animation (horizontal or vertical)

Getting started

To use this package, add animated_flip_card as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

animated_flip_card: <latest version>


To use the AnimatedFlipWidget, you must pass in three required parameters: front, back, and controller.

  front: Text('Front'),
  back: Text('Back'),
  controller: _controller,


To use the AnimatedFlipWidget, you must pass in three required parameters: front, back, and controller.

  front: Text('Front'),
  back: Text('Back'),
  controller: _controller,

You can also specify the optional parameters:

  front: Text('Front'),
  back: Text('Back'),
  controller: _controller,
  clickable: true,
  flipDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 600),
  flipDirection: FlipDirection.Horizontal,

You can control the animation of the flip by calling the flip() method on the FlipController instance.


Additional information

  • This package uses the TweenAnimationBuilder widget to build a tween animation that rotates the card based on the angle of the controller.
  • It also has an enum class FlipDirection that allows you to define the direction of flipping horizontally or vertically.
  • A sample project demonstrating how to use the package is available in the example directory of this package