angular_router 2.0.0-alpha+3 copy "angular_router: ^2.0.0-alpha+3" to clipboard
angular_router: ^2.0.0-alpha+3 copied to clipboard

discontinuedreplaced by: ngrouter
outdatedDart 1 only

Router for AngularDart.

2.0.0-alpha+3 #

New features #

  • Added the CanNavigate lifecycle interface. This is similar to CanDeactivate, and preferred when the next RouterState isn't necessary to determine whether the router may navigate.

  • Added reload field to NavigationParams which can be used to force navigation, even if the path and other navigation parameters are unchanged.

  • Added replace field to NavigationParams which can be used to replace the current history entry on navigation instead of creating a new one.

Breaking changes #

  • Removed hashCode and operator == overrides from RouteDefinition and RouterState, as these can't be removed by tree-shaking.

Bug fixes #

  • Upon destruction, RouterOutlet will now properly destroy all of its cached components, instead of only destroying the active one.

2.0.0-alpha+2 #

  • Fixed a bug where RouterLinkDirective was not keyboard accessible.

2.0.0-alpha+1 #

  • Support for angular 5.0.0-alpha+1

2.0.0-alpha #

1.0.2 #

  • Support for angular 4.0.0.

1.0.1 #

  • Minor internal changes to support angular 4.0.0-beta

1.0.0 #

  • Initial commit of angular_router. This is just a port of the router that was in the core angular package.