angular2_components 0.4.0-alpha copy "angular2_components: ^0.4.0-alpha" to clipboard
angular2_components: ^0.4.0-alpha copied to clipboard

outdatedDart 1 only

The official Material Design components for AngularDart. Used at Google in production apps.

0.4.0-alpha #

This code is considered production quality, but depends on angular2: 3.0.0-alpha+1. The alpha tag represents the evolving nature of the AngularDart api, not code quality (3.0.0-alpha+1 is used in production Google apps).

Breaking Changes #

  • Update for generic syntax and FutureOr type introduced in Dart SDK 1.22.0.
  • Material Toggle: Remove the deprecated color theme input.
  • Material Button, Fab, Yes/No:
    • Remove is-disabled and is-raised HTML classes used for styling. Custom styles should now use [disabled] and [raised] instead of .is-disabled and .is-raised when targeting buttons.
    • Remove z-index of 0.

Other Changes #

  • Focus: Fix AX_ARIA_08 a11y issue.
  • Glyph: Option to horizontally flip glyphs when the direction is RTL.
  • Material Chips: Use :host to remove need for wrapper div.
  • Material Expansionpanel: Fix panel overflow issues.
  • Material Input:
    • Add new number accessors and validators.
    • Add ability to override/specify error messages.
    • Fix AX_TEXT_01 a11y issue.
  • Material List:
    • Block pointer events for disabled list items.
    • Remove duplicate mixin.
  • Material Popup: Disable animation delay when there is nothing to animate.
  • Material Radio: Fix styling issue, flex for IE11.
  • Material Tab Panel: Fix issue that prevents displaying tabs on initialization.
  • Material Yes/No Buttons: Add submit/cancel buttons.
  • Scorecard:
    • Add support for RTL languages in scrollable scoreboards.
    • Add support for themes.
    • Prevent exceptions during width calculations when scorecard width is auto.
  • Compute the ARIA roles only once per instance.
  • Fix dom update issues.
  • Add proper types to injected providers.
  • Add missing imports and remove unsupported Angular imports.
  • Strong mode fixes.

0.3.1-alpha #

This code is considered production quality, but depends on angular2: 3.0.0-alpha. The alpha tag represents the evolving nature of the AngularDart api, not code quality (3.0.0-alpha is used in production Google apps).

  • Add Material List.
  • Material Expansionpanel: Add autoDismissable directive.
  • Material Progress: Handle changes to "indeterminate" state.
  • Scorecard: Add input to display vertically.
  • Update styles to meet Material UI spec.

0.3.0-alpha #

This code is considered production quality, but depends on angular2: 3.0.0-alpha. The alpha tag represents the evolving nature of the AngularDart api.

  • Add Material Tooltip.
  • Material Ripple:
    • Add GPU acceleration.
    • rippleBindings have been removed as they are no longer used.
  • Internal updates for compatibility with Angular 3.0.0-alpha.
  • Material Expansion Panel:
    • Fix CSS rule that causes header text to turn gray on hover/focus.
    • Support auto-focus on a content element when the material expansion panel expands.
    • Fix Yes/No button ordering.
  • Material Input:
    • Add a blur update value accessor.
    • Add multiple attribute.
    • Remove unused properties: rows and maxRows.
  • Material Input Multiline: Add auto grow in size.
  • Material Popup: Update change detection for OnPush.
  • Material Progress: Update to animate when main thread is blocked.
  • Material Radio: Adjust size to 24px.
  • Material Yes/No: Add toggle for yes button visibility.
  • Scorecard: Update change detection.
  • Fix flipped alignment positions when isRtl is used.
  • Fix popup event handling.
  • Remove 'uninitialized' as a default value.
  • Remove unused CSS rules.
  • Update styles to meet Material UI spec.
  • Bug fixes.
  • Strong Mode fixes.

0.2.2 #

  • Add Material Popup, a basic popup component.
  • Update Material Checkbox icon size.
  • Cleanup framework stabilizers since issue #24843 in the Dart SDK has been resolved.
  • Remove unused files.

0.2.1 #

  • Rollup of recent changes.
  • Includes fix for breaking change in Angular 2.2.0.

0.2.0 #

  • Add a modal dialog window called material_dialog.
  • Rename MultilineMaterialInputComponent to MaterialMultilineInputComponent.
  • Make the deferredContent placeholder element optional, off by default.
  • Remove InputTextModel.
  • Cleanup linter warnings.
  • Refactor color support.
  • Many components now support removing whitespace in the templates.
  • Refactor tab key index to a mixin.
  • Various updates and cleanup.

0.1.1 #

  • Small change to

0.1.0 #

  • Initial Open Source release.
pub points



The official Material Design components for AngularDart. Used at Google in production apps.

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unknown (license)


angular2, intl, js, meta, observable, perf_api, quiver, uuid


Packages that depend on angular2_components