angular 0.9.0+1 copy "angular: ^0.9.0+1" to clipboard
angular: ^0.9.0+1 copied to clipboard

discontinuedreplaced by: ngdart

Angular for dart.

v0.9.0 static-animation (2013-11-04) #

Initial beta release of AngularDart available for public testing.


We reserve the right to change the APIs in v.0.9.x versions.

Features #

  • Notable Directives: input, ng-bind, ng-class, ng-events, ng-if, ng-include, ng-model, ng-show\hide, ng-switch, ng-template.

  • Notable Services: Compiler, Cookies, Http, ExceptionHandler, Scope.

  • Notable Filters: currency, date, filter, json, limitTo, number, orderBy

Missing Features #

  • Forms / Validation: has not made it into AngularDart yet.

Semantic Version Conventions #

  • Stable: All even numbered minor versions are considered API stable: i.e.: v1.0.x, v1.2.x, and so on.
  • Development: All odd numbered minor versions are considered API unstable: i.e.: v0.9.x, v1.1.x, and so on.