alquran_cloud 0.0.1
alquran_cloud: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard
un-official dart client wrapper for the api consume the holy book of quran
import 'package:alquran_cloud/alquran_cloud.dart' as quran_cloud;
Future<void> main(List<String> args) async {
/// to enable logs (disabled by default)
quran_cloud.quranCloud.enableLogs = true;
/// use edition identifer to determine which edition of the quran to get
final allEditions = await quran_cloud.getAllEditions();
/// also you can query the edition you want
final editionsQuery = await quran_cloud.getAllEditions(
format: 'text', // or `audio`
language: 'ar', // use .getEditionSupportedLanguages(); to get the all available languages
type: 'quran', // user .getEditionTypes() to get all available types
final quran = await quran_cloud.getQuranByEdition(allEditions.first);
/// get surah by number and edition
final surah = await quran_cloud.getSurahByEdition(1, editionsQuery.first);
/// get aya by number and edition
final aya = await quran_cloud.getAyaByNumber(2, editionsQuery.first);
print(aya.text); // الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ