aiactiv_universal_sdk 0.1.14 copy "aiactiv_universal_sdk: ^0.1.14" to clipboard
aiactiv_universal_sdk: ^0.1.14 copied to clipboard

Ads and Analytics Framework.

AiactivUniversalSDK #

Pub Version

Ads and Analytics Framework

Installation #

To install AiactivUniversalSDK, run the following commands:

flutter pub add aiactiv_universal_sdk

iOS #

You need to add the following code to your Info.plist file and replace FILL_YOUR_WRITE_KEY_HERE with your write key:


By default, we use the same write key for both ads and analytics. If you want to use a different write key for ad network, you can add another key-value pair like this:



Import the AiactivUniversalSDK module in your UIApplicationDelegate

#import <WebKit/WebKit.h>
#import <AiactivUniversalSDK/AiactivUniversalSDK-Swift.h>

Configure a AiactivUniversalSDK shared instance in your app delegate's application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) method

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
  // Override point for customization after application launch.

  [Aiactiv startWithConfig:nil];

  return [super application:application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:launchOptions];

Android #

You need to add the following code to your app manifest file, inside the

  android:value="FILL_YOUR_WRITE_KEY_HERE" />

By default, we use the same write key for both ads and analytics. If you want to use a different write key for ad network, you can add another meta-data like this:

  android:value="FILL_YOUR_WRITE_KEY_HERE" />

  android:value="FILL_YOUR_WRITE_KEY_HERE" />

Usage #

AdNetwork #

import 'package:aiactiv_universal_sdk/aiactiv_universal_sdk.dart';

// ...

  size: AdSize.custom("320x150"),
  request: const AdRequest(context: {
    // This is optional
    "title": "Got Talents show",
    "keywords": "movie, show, hot",
    "screen": "Home",
  listener: BannerAdListener(
    onAdLoaded: () => print('FLT onAdLoaded'),
    onAdFailedToLoad: (error) => print('FLT onAdFailedToLoad: $error')

Predefined sizes:

AdSize Width x Height
banner 320x50
fullBanner 468x60
largeBanner 320x100
rectangle 250x250
mediumRectangle 300x250
video 480x360

Or custom any size in format widthxheight. Example: 640x480, 300x500...

Adaptive Banner Ad

import 'package:aiactiv_universal_sdk/aiactiv_universal_sdk.dart';

// ...

  size: AdSize.custom("320x150"),
  adaptiveSize: YOUR_ADAPTIVE_SIZE, // SDK will calculate height automatically base on Ad ratio
  request: const AdRequest(context: {
    // This is optional
    "title": "Got Talents show",
    "keywords": "movie, show, hot",
    "screen": "Home",
  listener: BannerAdListener(
    onAdLoaded: () => print('FLT onAdLoaded'),
    onAdFailedToLoad: (error) => print('FLT onAdFailedToLoad: $error')

Video Ad

To display a video ad, you need to use the VideoAdLoader function to get the vast tag URL from the Aiactiv platform and then use your own player to play it.

import 'package:aiactiv_universal_sdk/aiactiv_universal_sdk.dart';

// ...

try {
  // Load the ad by calling the VideoAdLoader function and passing the inventory ID and ad type
  var vastTagUrl = await VideoAdLoader.loadAd(YOUR_INVENTORY_ID, 'video');
  print('FLT onAdLoader: $vastTagUrl');
  // Then use your own player to play the retrieved vastTagUrl
} catch (error) {
  // If an error occurs while loading the ad, print the error message
  print('FLT onAdFailedToLoad: $error');

Native Ad

NativeAdLoader will fetch nativeAd data and then binding to your views manually

import 'package:aiactiv_universal_sdk/aiactiv_universal_sdk.dart';

// ...

/// The native ad loader instance.
NativeAdLoader? _nativeAd;

// Create and load the native ad
_nativeAd = NativeAdLoader(
    request: const AdRequest(),
    listener: NativeAdListener(onAdLoaded: (NativeAdData nativeAdData) {
      print('FLT onAdLoaded: $nativeAdData');
    }, onAdFailedToLoad: (error) {
      print('onAdFailedToLoad: $error');

// ...

// Perform ad click action
_nativeAd?.performAdClicked((url) {
  print('onAdClicked: $url');

NativeAd Properties Type
title String
description String
iconImageMetadata ImageMetadata
mainImageMetadata ImageMetadata
ctaDescription String
sponsored String

Analytics #

Analytics will be initialized automatically and collect data for you. You can also manually track events with the following methods:

Track Events

import 'package:aiactiv_universal_sdk/aiactiv_universal_sdk.dart';

Analytics.track(String name, [Map<String, Object>? properties]);

To track an event, you need to call the Analytics.track() method and pass in two parameters: name and properties.

  • The name parameter is a string to name the event, for example: "Post view", "Sign up", "Purchase", etc.
  • The properties parameter is an object to contain detailed information about the event, for example: post title, product type, order value, etc.
// Create an object to contain the properties of the event
const postViewEventProperties = {
  title: 'Post Title',
  category: 'Category 1, Category 2',
  keyword: 'Keyword 1, Keyword 2, ...',

// Track the event "Post view" with the properties created
Analytics.track('Post view', postViewEventProperties);

Identify Events

import 'package:aiactiv_universal_sdk/aiactiv_universal_sdk.dart';

Analytics.identify(String userId, [Map<String, Object>? traits]);

To identify a user, you need to call the Analytics.identify() method and pass in one parameter: userId.

  • The userId parameter is a string to identify your user, for example: "PartnerUserID-01".
  • You can also pass in another object to contain additional information about the user, for example: user name, user type, etc.
// Create an object to contain the properties of the user
const userTraits = {
    userName: 'Username 1',
    userType: 'Normal',

// Identify user with user ID and properties created
Analytics.identify('PartnerUserID-01', userTraits)

Screen Events

import 'package:aiactiv_universal_sdk/aiactiv_universal_sdk.dart';

Analytics.screen(String title, [Map<String, Object>? properties]);

To track a screen, you need to call the Analytics.screen() method and pass in one parameter: title.

  • The title parameter is a string to name the screen, for example: "Login Screen", "Home Screen", etc.
  • You can also pass in another object to contain detailed information about the screen, for example: login method, number of posts, etc.
// Create an object to contain the properties of the screen
const loginScreenProperties = {
    loginMethod: 'FACEBOOK/GOOGLE/OTP/QR',

// Track screen with screen name and properties created
Analytics.screen(title: "LoginScreen", properties: loginScreenProperties)

Author #


License #

AiactivUniversalSDK is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.



unverified uploader

Weekly Downloads

Ads and Analytics Framework.



API reference


MIT (license)


flutter, plugin_platform_interface


Packages that depend on aiactiv_universal_sdk