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AppGallery Connect Cloud Functions plugin for Flutter. Cloud Functions enables serverless computing.

AppGallery Connect Cloud Functions Kit Flutter Plugin #

Contents #

1. Introduction #

This plugin enables communication between Huawei Cloud Functions SDK and Flutter platform. It exposes all functionality provided by Huawei Cloud Functions SDK.

2. Installation Guide #

Before you get started, you must register as a HUAWEI Developer and complete identity verification on the HUAWEI Developer website. For details, please refer to Register a HUAWEI ID.

Creating a Project in AppGallery Connect #

Creating an app in AppGallery Connect is required in order to communicate with the Huawei services. To create an app, perform the following steps:

Step 1. Sign in to AppGallery Connect and select My projects.

Step 2. Select your project from the project list or create a new one by clicking the Add Project button.

Step 3. Go to Project Setting > General information, and click Add app. If an app exists in the project and you need to add a new one, expand the app selection area on the top of the page and click Add app.

Step 4. On the Add app page, enter the app information, and click OK.

Applying for the Cloud Functions Service #

Cloud Functions is still in Beta state. To use Cloud Functions, send an application email to to apply for the service.

Set your email title in the following format: [Cloud Functions]-[Company name]-[Developer account ID]-[Project ID]. For details about how to query the developer account ID and project ID, please refer to Querying the Developer Account ID and Project ID.

Huawei operation personnel will reply within 1 to 3 working days.

This email address is used only to process AppGallery Connect service provisioning applications. Do not send other consultations to this email address.

Enabling Cloud Functions Service #

  1. In AppGallery Connect, find your project, and click the app for which you want to use cloud functions.

  2. Select Build and Cloud functions on the left menu and click Enable Cloud Functions service.

Creating a Cloud Function #

To create a cloud function, please refer Create a Function.

Creating a Trigger: To call a function in an app, you must create an HTTP trigger. For details, please refer to Create an HTTP Trigger. When calling a function in an app, you must transfer the identifier of an HTTP trigger. For details, please refer to Querying the Trigger Identifier

Integrating the Flutter Cloud Function Plugin #

Android App Development

Step 1: Go to Project Setting > General information page, under the App information field, click agconnect-services.json to download the configuration file.

Step 2: Copy the agconnect-services.json file to the example/android/app/ directory of your project.

Step 3: Open the build.gradle file in the example/android directory of your project.

  • Navigate to the buildscript section and configure the Maven repository address and agconnect plugin for the AppGallery Connect SDK.

    buildscript {
      repositories {
          maven { url '' }
      dependencies {
            * <Other dependencies>
          classpath 'com.huawei.agconnect:agcp:'
  • Go to allprojects and configure the Maven repository address for the AppGallery Connect SDK.

    allprojects {
      repositories {
          maven { url '' }

Step 4: Open the build.gradle file in the example/android/app/ directory.

  • Add apply plugin: 'com.huawei.agconnect' line after other apply entries.

    apply plugin: ''
    apply from: "$flutterRoot/packages/flutter_tools/gradle/flutter.gradle"
    apply plugin: 'com.huawei.agconnect'
  • Set your package name in defaultConfig > applicationId and set minSdkVersion to 17 or higher. Package name must match with the package_name entry in agconnect-services.json file.

    defaultConfig {
        applicationId "<package_name>"
        minSdkVersion 17
        * <Other configurations>

iOS App Development

Step 1: Go to Project Setting > General information page, under the App information field, click agconnect-services.plist to download the configuration file.

Step 2: Copy the agconnect-services.plist file to the app's root directory of your Xcode project.

Add to Library

Step 1: On your Flutter project directory, find and open your pubspec.yaml file and add the agconnect_cloudfunctions library to dependencies. For more details please refer to the Using packages document.

  • To download the package from

      agconnect_cloudfunctions: { library version }

Step 2: Run the following command to update package info.

[project_path]> flutter pub get

Step 3: Import the library to access the methods.

import 'package:agconnect_cloudfunctions/agconnect_cloudfunctions.dart';

Step 4: Run the following command to start the app.

[project_path]> flutter run

3. API Reference #

FunctionCallable #

Represents the cloud function processing class.

Public Constructor Summary

Constructor Description
FunctionCallable(String httpTriggerURI, [int timeout, AGCTimeUnit units]) Default constructor.
FunctionCallable.fromMap(Map<dynamic, dynamic> map) Creates a FunctionCallable object from a map.
FunctionCallable.fromJson(String source) Creates a FunctionCallable object from a JSON string.

Public Method Summary

Method Return Type Description
call([dynamic functionParameters]) Future<FunctionResult> This API is called to configures and calls the cloud function.

Public Constructors

FunctionCallable(String httpTriggerURI, [int timeout, AGCTimeUnit units])

Constructor for FunctionCallable object.

Parameter Type Description
httpTriggerURI String HTTP trigger identifier of the cloud function to be called. For details about how to query the HTTP trigger identifier, see Querying the Trigger Identifier.
timeout int Timeout interval of a function. For Android the unit is defined by the timeUnit parameter and the default time unit is seconds. For iOS time unit is seconds. This parameter is optional.
units AGCTimeUnit Defines the time unit. This parameter is optional. The default value is 70.

Public Methods

Future<FunctionResult> call([dynamic functionParameters]) async

Configures and calls the cloud function.

Parameter Description
functionParameters Cloud function configurations and parameters. This parameter is optional.
Return Type Description
Future<FunctionResult> The return value after the function is executed.
Call Example
 FunctionCallable functionCallable = FunctionCallable(httpTrigger);
      Person person1 = Person(1, 'Amy');
      Person person2 = Person(2, 'Gunner');

      List<Map<String, Object>> params = <Map<String, Object>>[

      FunctionResult functionResult = await;
      result = functionResult.getValue();

FunctionResult #

The result after the function is executed.

Public Constructor Summary

Constructor Description
FunctionResult() Default constructor.
FunctionResult.fromMap(Map<dynamic, dynamic> map) Creates a FunctionResult object from a map.
FunctionResult.fromJson(String source) Creates a FunctionResult object from a JSON string.

Public Method Summary

Methods Return Type Description
getValue String The return value after the function is executed.

Public Constructors


Constructor for FunctionResult object.

FunctionResult.fromMap(Map<dynamic, dynamic> map)

Creates a FunctionResult object from a map.

Parameter Type Description
map Map<dynamic, dynamic> Map as a source.
FunctionResult.fromJson(String source)

Creates a FunctionResult object from a JSON string.

Parameter Type Description
source String JSON string as a source.

Public Methods

String getValue

The return value after the function is executed.

Return Type Description
String JSON string as a source.

Public Constants #


  • Constants of time units.
Value Field Type Description
0 NANOSECONDS int Nanoseconds.
1 MICROSECONDS int Microsecons.
2 MILLISECONDS int Milliseconds.
3 SECONDS int Seconds.
4 MINUTES int Minutes.
5 HOURS int Hours.
6 DAYS int Days.

4. Configuration and Description #

Preparing for Release #

Before building the APK, configure obfuscation scripts to prevent the AppGallery Connect SDK from being obfuscated. If obfuscation arises, the AppGallery Connect SDK may not function properly. For more information on this topic refer to this Android developer guide.

<flutter_project>/android/app/proguard-rules. pro

-keep class com.huawei.agconnect.**{*;}

# Flutter wrapper
-keep class** { *; }
-keep class io.flutter.plugin.**  { *; }
-keep class io.flutter.util.**  { *; }
-keep class io.flutter.view.**  { *; }
-keep class io.flutter.**  { *; }
-keep class io.flutter.plugins.**  { *; }
-dontwarn io.flutter.embedding.**
-keep class com.huawei.hianalytics.**{*;}
-keep class**{*;}
-keep class com.huawei.updatesdk.**{*;}
-keep class com.huawei.hms.**{*;}
-keep class com.huawei.agconnect.**{*;}
-keep class com.huawei.agc.**{*;}


buildTypes {
    debug {
        signingConfig signingConfigs.config
    release {

        // Enables code shrinking, obfuscation and optimization for release builds
        minifyEnabled true
        // Unused resources will be removed, resources defined in the res/raw/keep.xml will be kept.
        shrinkResources true
        proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''

	signingConfig signingConfigs.config

5. Sample Project #

This plugin includes a demo project in the example folder, there you can find more usage examples.

6. Licensing and Terms #

AppGallery Connect Cloud Functions Kit Flutter Plugin is licensed under Apache 2.0 license

pub points


unverified uploader

AppGallery Connect Cloud Functions plugin for Flutter. Cloud Functions enables serverless computing.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


Apache-2.0 (license)




Packages that depend on agconnect_cloudfunctions