advance_pdf_viewer2 2.0.5+1 copy "advance_pdf_viewer2: ^2.0.5+1" to clipboard
advance_pdf_viewer2: ^2.0.5+1 copied to clipboard

A fork from a flutter plugin for handling PDF files. Works on both Android, iOS ( MacOS under testing )

advance_pdf_viewer2 #

A flutter plugin for handling PDF files. Works on both Android & iOS. Originally forked from (

Update #

Macos support currently under testing

Pub Package

Installation #

Add advance_pdf_viewer2 as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

advance_pdf_viewer2: any
copied to clipboard

Android #

No permissions required. Uses application cache directory.

iOS #

No permissions required.

How-to: #

Load PDF

// Load from assets
PDFDocument doc = await PDFDocument.fromAsset('assets/test.pdf');
// Load from URL
PDFDocument doc = await PDFDocument.fromURL('');

// Load from file
File file  = File('...');
PDFDocument doc = await PDFDocument.fromFile(file);
copied to clipboard

Load pages

// Load specific page
PDFPage pageOne = await doc.get(page: _number);
copied to clipboard

Pre-built viewer

Use the pre-built PDF Viewer

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text('Example'),
      body: Center(
          child: _isLoading
              ? Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator())
              : PDFViewer(document: document)),
copied to clipboard

This code produces the following view:

Demo Screenshot 1


  • Allow password-protected files
  • Refactor PDFDocument.getAll() method
  • Increase page resolution
  • Add swipe to change page

Third-party packages used

Name Description
path_provider A Flutter plugin for finding commonly used locations on the filesystem. Supports iOS and Android.
flutter_cache_manager A CacheManager to download and cache files in the cache directory of the app. Various settings on how long to keep a file can be changed.
numberpicker NumberPicker is a custom widget designed for choosing an integer or decimal number by scrolling spinners.
flutter_advanced_networkimage An advanced image provider provides caching and retrying for flutter app. Now with zoomable widget and transition to image widget.


unverified uploader

Weekly Downloads

2024.09.08 - 2025.03.23

A fork from a flutter plugin for handling PDF files. Works on both Android, iOS ( MacOS under testing )


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


flutter, flutter_cache_manager, numberpicker, path_provider


Packages that depend on advance_pdf_viewer2