accumulate_api 0.2.7 copy "accumulate_api: ^0.2.7" to clipboard
accumulate_api: ^0.2.7 copied to clipboard


JSON RPC Dart client for Accumulate blockchain, defines basic models and API calls to work with network, supports all types of accounts.


import 'dart:typed_data';

import 'package:accumulate_api/accumulate_api.dart';
import 'package:accumulate_api/src/model/address.dart';
import 'package:accumulate_api/src/model/adi.dart';
import 'package:ed25519_edwards/ed25519_edwards.dart' as ed;
import 'package:bip39/bip39.dart' as bip39;
import 'package:hex/hex.dart';

final testnetAPI = ACMEApiV2("", "v2");

Future<void> main() async {
  // Example on how tp create new ADI
  final String? respA = await makeAdiTest();

Future<String?> makeFaucetTest() async {
  // Generate some random data for private keys
  String mnemonic = bip39.generateMnemonic();
  Uint8List seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeed(mnemonic);

  // Additional setup goes here.
  // 1. initiate public/private keypage
  var privateKey = ed.newKeyFromSeed(seed.sublist(0, 32)); // Uint8List.fromList(List.generate(32, (index) => 0)));
  var publicKey = ed.public(privateKey);

  // 2. Create New unique ACME url based on Protocol definition
  Address liteAccount = Address("", "ACME Account", "");
  AccumulateURL currentURL = liteAccount.generateAddressViaProtocol(publicKey.bytes, "ACME");
  liteAccount.address = currentURL.getPath();
  liteAccount.URL = currentURL;


  // 3. Initiate API class instance and register address on the network with faucet
  final acmeAPI = ACMEApiV2("", "v2");
  final resp = await acmeAPI.callFaucet(liteAccount);
  return resp;

Future<String?> makeCreditsTest() async {
  // 1. Generate some random data for private keys
  String mnemonic = bip39.generateMnemonic();
  Uint8List seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeed(mnemonic);

  // 2. initiate public/private keypage
  var privateKey = ed.newKeyFromSeed(seed.sublist(0, 32)); // Uint8List.fromList(List.generate(32, (index) => 0)));
  var publicKey = ed.public(privateKey);

  // 3. Create New unique ACME url based on Protocol definition
  Address liteAccount = Address("", "ACME Account", "");
  AccumulateURL currentURL = liteAccount.generateAddressViaProtocol(publicKey.bytes, "ACME");
  liteAccount.address = currentURL.getPath();
  liteAccount.URL = currentURL;

  //   3.1 Store associated private key data along with Address structure
  //       internal methods will use it to sign payloads
  liteAccount.puk = HEX.encode(publicKey.bytes);
  liteAccount.pik = privateKey.bytes;
  liteAccount.pikHex = HEX.encode(privateKey.bytes);


  // 4. Initiate API class instance and register address on the network with faucet
  final acmeAPI = ACMEApiV2("", "v2");
  final respFaucet = await acmeAPI.callFaucet(liteAccount);
  print('faucet - ${respFaucet}');

  // 5. Wait at least 4 seconds for a transaction to settle on the network
  final sleep = await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 5));
  final resptx = await acmeAPI.callGetTokenTransaction(respFaucet);

  // 6. Credits are converted from ACME token
  //   6.1 Get current timestamp in microseconds it works as Nonce
  int timestamp =;

  //   6.2 Execute actual credits call
  final respCredits = await acmeAPI.callAddCredits(liteAccount, 1000, timestamp);
  print('credits - ${respCredits}');

  //   6.3 Check that balance indeed updated
  final respAccount = await acmeAPI.callQuery(liteAccount.address);

  return respAccount.url;

Future<String?> makeAdiTest() async {
  // 1. Generate some random data for private keys
  String mnemonic = bip39.generateMnemonic();
  Uint8List seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeed(mnemonic);

  // 2. initiate public/private keypage
  var privateKey = ed.newKeyFromSeed(seed.sublist(0, 32)); // Uint8List.fromList(List.generate(32, (index) => 0)));
  var publicKey = ed.public(privateKey);

  // 3. Create New unique ACME url based on Protocol definition
  Address liteAccount = Address("", "ACME Account", "");
  AccumulateURL currentURL = liteAccount.generateAddressViaProtocol(publicKey.bytes, "ACME");
  liteAccount.address = currentURL.getPath();
  liteAccount.URL = currentURL;

  //   3.1 Store associated private key data along with Address structure
  //       internal methods will use it to sign payloads
  liteAccount.puk = HEX.encode(publicKey.bytes);
  liteAccount.pik = privateKey.bytes;
  liteAccount.pikHex = HEX.encode(privateKey.bytes);


  // 4. Initialize API class
  final acmeAPI = ACMEApiV2("", "v2");

  // 5. Add ACME tokens from faucet, at least 3 times because fee is high
  //      - must maintain 4s delay for tx to settle, otherwise it may stall account chain
  final respFaucet = await acmeAPI.callFaucet(liteAccount);
  final sleep = await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 15));
  final respFaucet2 = await acmeAPI.callFaucet(liteAccount);
  final sleep2 = await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 15));
  final respFaucet3 = await acmeAPI.callFaucet(liteAccount);
  final sleep3 = await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 15));
  print('Faucets - ${respFaucet}');

  final respAccountL = await acmeAPI.callQuery(liteAccount.address);
  print('Lite Account ${respAccountL.url}:\n ACME - ${respAccountL.balance}, Credits - ${respAccountL.creditBalance}');

  // 6. Credits are converted from ACME token
  //   6.1 Get current timestamp in microseconds it works as Nonce
  int timestamp =;

  //   6.2 Execute actual credits call
  //       ADI very expensive, needs 5000 credits
  final respCredits = await acmeAPI.callAddCredits(liteAccount, 3000 * 100, timestamp);
  final sleep6 = await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 15));
  print('Faucets - ${respCredits}');

  // Collect info about Balances
  final respAccountL2 = await acmeAPI.callQuery(liteAccount.address);
      'Lite Account ${respAccountL2.url}:\n ACME - ${respAccountL2.balance}, Credits - ${respAccountL2.creditBalance}');

  // we need more credits
  final respFaucet4 = await acmeAPI.callFaucet(liteAccount);
  final sleep4 = await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 15));
  final respFaucet5 = await acmeAPI.callFaucet(liteAccount);
  final sleep5 = await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 15));

  timestamp =;
  final respCredits2 = await acmeAPI.callAddCredits(liteAccount, 2000 * 100, timestamp);
  final sleep62 = await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 15));

  // Collect info about Balances
  final respAccountL3 = await acmeAPI.callQuery(liteAccount.address);
      'Lite Account ${respAccountL3.url}:\n ACME - ${respAccountL3.balance}, Credits - ${respAccountL3.creditBalance}');

  // 6. Generate ADI
  // 6.1 Every ADI is unique, in order to avoid name clash, create random number
  //var rng = new Random();
  //var num = new List.generate(12, (_) => rng.nextInt(100)).reduce((value, element) => value + element);

  // OR use timestamp

  // 7. Add timestamp
  //    Every tx should maintain unique Nonce, thus calling it again
  //    otherwise tx will fail
  int timestampForAdi =;

  // 6.2 Prepare ADI structure that we'll forward to API
  //    - here we reuse keys from lite account but new can be created and supplied
  //    - sponsor defines who will pay the creation fee
  IdentityADI newADI = IdentityADI("", "acc://cosmonaut-" + timestampForAdi.toString(), "");
    ..sponsor = liteAccount.address
    ..puk = liteAccount.puk
    ..pik = liteAccount.pik
    ..countKeybooks = 1
    ..countAccounts = 0;

  print('ADI - ${newADI.path}');

  // 8. Execute specific API method and provide arguments
  String? txhash = "";
  try {
    final resp = await acmeAPI.callCreateAdi(liteAccount, newADI, timestampForAdi, "book0", "page0");
    txhash = resp;
  } catch (e) {
    return "";
  final sleep7 = await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 10));

  // 9. Check created ADI
  final respAccountAdi = await acmeAPI.callQuery(newADI.path);
  print('ADI: ${respAccountAdi.url}');

  return txhash;
pub points



JSON RPC Dart client for Accumulate blockchain, defines basic models and API calls to work with network, supports all types of accounts.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)


bip39, crypto, dartz, decimal, ed25519_edwards, hex, http, json_annotation, tuple


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