Results35 packages
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Show alert dialog or modal action sheet adaptively according to platform.#dialog#ui#adaptive#alert#popup
Simple CountUp timer / CountDown timer. It easily create app of stopwatch.
A simple image slideshow widget. Mainly intended for image widget, but other widgets can also be used.
A widget for stacking cards, which users can swipe horizontally and vertically with beautiful animations like Tinder.
Provides super simple APIs for logging. The log also includes caller info by setting includeCallerInfo to true. On Android Studio, jump to called location by clicking the log.#logger#logging
Sheet widgets with smooth motion and great flexibility. Also supports nested navigation in both imperative and declarative ways.
A flutter plugin for scanning 2D barcodes and QRCodes via camera.
A set of widgets for use in Flutter apps. You can too easy custom and develop glass morphism widgets.
Provides bloc to descendant widget (O(1)), and the bloc is disposed appropriately by state which the bloc_provider holds internally.
Can be processed using location updates after the application transitions to the background.

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