Results27 packages
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A performant, expressjs like web server / rest api framework thats easy to use and has all the bits in one place.
Shelf Plus is a quality of life addon for your server-side development within the Shelf platform.
Uno is a multiplatform HTTP client, based on Axios and built following the Clean Dart approach by the Flutterando Community.
An advanced yet simple to use AWS S3 plugin for upload and delete ANY file in Android and iOS.
Easy to use custom widget & action library for the FlutterFlow deveopers.
File Support is plugin very helpful for different kind of file handling operations.Its used create, update, get information about file.
Flutter package that makes it easy to use UI widgets and code generated by FlutterFlow in your Flutter projects.
WhatsApp Sender Flutter is an unofficial API for Flutter to send bulk messages in Whatsapp
A WiFi Direct Plugin for Flutter. This Plugin uses the native WiFi P2P API of Android.
A command application to help you easily bundle your flutter app build into a debian package ready for production.

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