Results50 packages
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A Flutter package that helps you select files in different modes.#picker#camera#cropper#compressor#record
This package will use camera with dynamic color list of filters, crop your image, text on image and change the text color.
Flutter plugin for selecting files from any devices file library, and taking a new pictures with the camera.
Flutter package to integrate image_picker with a simple Flutter widget, allowing you to edit an image without any problems with design code development.
This is a complete avatar package that you can use for your profile and avatar.
All-in-one utility solution with Size, Navigation, Image Picker, Date Time, Auto Size Text, Toast, Email, Log, Dialog, Cache Image, Validation, API and Shared Preferences.
Shared widgets for Flutter side authentication with Serverpod.
A Flutter plugin for iOS and Android for picking images from the image library and crop it.
Picture upload widget which helps selecting and uploading one or multiple images to firebase storage.
GSForm helps to creating forms in Flutter by removing the boilerplate needed to build a form, validate fields, react to changes and collect final user input.

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