Results58 packages
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Flutter package to render html as widgets that supports hyperlink, image, audio, video, iframe and many other tags.#widget#html#css#fwfh
Flutter package to render html as widgets that focuses on correctness and extensibility.#widget#html#css#fwfh
A plugin to provide a common interface for creating HomeScreen Widgets for Android and iOS.
A prebuilt Sign In and Sign Up experience for the Amplify Auth category
A linear gauge package for Flutter that displays progress and can be customized for appearance and behavior.
In-place substitute for Flutter's DataTable and PaginatedDataTable with fixed/sticky headers and few extra features
A set of widgets for use in Flutter apps. You can too easy custom and develop glass morphism widgets.
Flutter widget that renders text along the arc with configurable radius.
A storybook for Flutter widgets. Live preview of isolated widgets for faster development and showcase.
Configurable, composable, extensible text display for Flutter.

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