Results396 packages
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This package brings back and for riverpod
This Flutter package provides a Material Design 3 modal side sheet widget.
This package helps to create adaptive applications following the Material Design 3 guidelines.
A flutter build context holder, very easy to use, init once, use everywhere. Enjoy!
Rich Text renderer that parses Contentful Rich Text JSON object and returns a renderable Flutter widget tree
A toast for flutter and very easy to use! This package depends on context_holder, another very useful package.
Customizable progress dialog package for Flutter.(Captures the progress value)
A package to convert any Flutter Widget to BitmapDescriptor which can be used in google_maps_flutter icon marker.
A Flutter package with custom implementation of the Side Menu (Drawer)
A flutter package that provides easy way to implement splash screen in your app. Also provides curated demos in the repo.

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