ZegoUIKitExpressEventInterface class abstract


final expressEvent = ExpressEvent();
class ExpressEvent extends ZegoUIKitExpressEventInterface
  void onDebugError(
      int errorCode,
      String funcName,
      String info,
      ) {
    /// your code

class ExpressEvent implements ZegoUIKitExpressEventInterface


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
onAIVoiceChangerGetSpeakerList(ZegoAIVoiceChanger aiVoiceChanger, int errorCode, List<ZegoAIVoiceChangerSpeakerInfo> speakerList) → void
Get AI voice changer engine available speaker list callback.
onAIVoiceChangerInit(ZegoAIVoiceChanger aiVoiceChanger, int errorCode) → void
Initialize AI voice changer engine status callback.
onAIVoiceChangerUpdate(ZegoAIVoiceChanger aiVoiceChanger, int errorCode) → void
Update AI voice changer engine models status callback.
onAlignedAudioAuxData(Uint8List data, ZegoAudioFrameParam param) → void
Aligned audio aux frames callback.
onApiCalledResult(int errorCode, String funcName, String info) → void
Method execution result callback
onAudioDeviceStateChanged(ZegoUpdateType updateType, ZegoAudioDeviceType deviceType, ZegoDeviceInfo deviceInfo) → void
The callback triggered when there is a change to audio devices (i.e. new device added or existing device deleted).
onAudioDeviceVolumeChanged(ZegoAudioDeviceType deviceType, String deviceID, int volume) → void
The callback triggered when there is a change of the volume for the audio devices.
onAudioEffectPlayStateUpdate(ZegoAudioEffectPlayer audioEffectPlayer, int audioEffectID, ZegoAudioEffectPlayState state, int errorCode) → void
Audio effect playback state callback.
onAudioRouteChange(ZegoAudioRoute audioRoute) → void
Callback for device's audio route changed.
onAudioVADStateUpdate(ZegoAudioVADStableStateMonitorType type, ZegoAudioVADType state) → void
Callback for audio VAD stable state update.
onAutoMixerSoundLevelUpdate(Map<String, double> soundLevels) → void
The callback triggered when the sound level of any input stream changes in the auto stream mixing process.
onCapturedAudioData(Uint8List data, int dataLength, ZegoAudioFrameParam param) → void
The callback for obtaining the audio data captured by the local microphone.
onCapturedAudioSpectrumUpdate(List<double> audioSpectrum) → void
The local captured audio spectrum callback.
onCapturedDataRecordProgressUpdate(ZegoDataRecordProgress progress, ZegoDataRecordConfig config, ZegoPublishChannel channel) → void
The callback to report the current recording progress.
onCapturedDataRecordStateUpdate(ZegoDataRecordState state, int errorCode, ZegoDataRecordConfig config, ZegoPublishChannel channel) → void
The callback triggered when the state of data recording (to a file) changes.
onCapturedSoundLevelInfoUpdate(ZegoSoundLevelInfo soundLevelInfo) → void
The local captured audio sound level callback, supported vad.
onCapturedSoundLevelUpdate(double soundLevel) → void
The local captured audio sound level callback.
onCurrentPitchValueUpdate(ZegoCopyrightedMusic copyrightedMusic, String resourceID, int currentDuration, int pitchValue) → void
Real-time pitch line callback.
onDebugError(int errorCode, String funcName, String info) → void
The callback for obtaining debugging error information.
onDownloadProgressUpdate(ZegoCopyrightedMusic copyrightedMusic, String resourceID, double progressRate) → void
Callback for download song or accompaniment progress rate.
onEngineStateUpdate(ZegoEngineState state) → void
The callback triggered when the audio/video engine state changes.
onExceptionOccurred(ZegoScreenCaptureSource source, ZegoScreenCaptureSourceExceptionType exceptionType) → void
The callback triggered when a screen capture source exception occurred
onFatalError(int errorCode) → void
The callback that triggered a fatal error, causing the SDK to malfunction and unable to function properly.
onIMRecvBarrageMessage(String roomID, List<ZegoBarrageMessageInfo> messageList) → void
The callback triggered when Barrage Messages are received.
onIMRecvBroadcastMessage(String roomID, List<ZegoBroadcastMessageInfo> messageList) → void
The callback triggered when Broadcast Messages are received.
onIMRecvCustomCommand(String roomID, ZegoUser fromUser, String command) → void
The callback triggered when a Custom Command is received.
onLocalDeviceExceptionOccurred(ZegoDeviceExceptionType exceptionType, ZegoDeviceType deviceType, String deviceID) → void
The callback triggered when a local device exception occurred.
onMixedAudioData(Uint8List data, int dataLength, ZegoAudioFrameParam param) → void
Callback to get the audio data played by the SDK and the audio data captured by the local microphone. The audio data is the data mixed by the SDK.
onMixerRelayCDNStateUpdate(String taskID, List<ZegoStreamRelayCDNInfo> infoList) → void
The callback triggered when the state of relayed streaming of the mixed stream to CDN changes.
onMixerSoundLevelUpdate(Map<int, double> soundLevels) → void
The callback triggered when the sound level of any input stream changes in the stream mixing process.
onMobileScreenCaptureExceptionOccurred(ZegoScreenCaptureExceptionType exceptionType) → void
The callback triggered when a screen capture source exception occurred
onNetworkModeChanged(ZegoNetworkMode mode) → void
Network mode changed callback.
onNetworkQuality(String userID, ZegoStreamQualityLevel upstreamQuality, ZegoStreamQualityLevel downstreamQuality) → void
The network quality callback of users who are publishing in the room.
onNetworkSpeedTestError(int errorCode, ZegoNetworkSpeedTestType type) → void
Network speed test error callback.
onNetworkSpeedTestQualityUpdate(ZegoNetworkSpeedTestQuality quality, ZegoNetworkSpeedTestType type) → void
Network speed test quality callback.
onNetworkTimeSynchronized() → void
Successful callback of network time synchronization.
onPerformanceStatusUpdate(ZegoPerformanceStatus status) → void
System performance monitoring callback.
onPlaybackAudioData(Uint8List data, int dataLength, ZegoAudioFrameParam param) → void
The callback for obtaining the audio data of all the streams playback by SDK.
onPlayerAudioData(Uint8List data, int dataLength, ZegoAudioFrameParam param, String streamID) → void
The callback for obtaining the audio data of each stream.
onPlayerLowFpsWarning(ZegoVideoCodecID codecID, String streamID) → void
Playing stream low frame rate warning.
onPlayerMediaEvent(String streamID, ZegoPlayerMediaEvent event) → void
The callback triggered when a media event occurs during streaming playing.
onPlayerQualityUpdate(String streamID, ZegoPlayStreamQuality quality) → void
Callback for current stream playing quality.
onPlayerRecvAudioFirstFrame(String streamID) → void
The callback triggered when the first audio frame is received.
onPlayerRecvAudioSideInfo(String streamID, Uint8List data) → void
Receive the audio side information content of the remote stream.
onPlayerRecvMediaSideInfo(ZegoMediaSideInfo info) → void
The callback triggered when Supplemental Enhancement Information is received synchronously.
onPlayerRecvSEI(String streamID, Uint8List data) → void
The callback triggered when Supplemental Enhancement Information is received.
onPlayerRecvVideoFirstFrame(String streamID) → void
The callback triggered when the first video frame is received. Except for Linux systems, this callback is thrown from the ui thread by default.
onPlayerRenderCameraVideoFirstFrame(String streamID) → void
Calls back when the stream playing end renders the first frame of the video from the remote camera.
onPlayerRenderVideoFirstFrame(String streamID) → void
The callback triggered when the first video frame is rendered.
onPlayerStateUpdate(String streamID, ZegoPlayerState state, int errorCode, Map<String, dynamic> extendedData) → void
The callback triggered when the state of stream playing changes.
onPlayerStreamEvent(ZegoStreamEvent eventID, String streamID, String extraInfo) → void
The callback triggered when playing stream.
onPlayerVideoSizeChanged(String streamID, int width, int height) → void
The callback triggered when the stream playback resolution changes.
onPlayerVideoSuperResolutionUpdate(String streamID, ZegoSuperResolutionState state, int errorCode) → void
Playing stream video super resolution enabled state changes.
onProcessCapturedAudioData(Uint8List data, int dataLength, ZegoAudioFrameParam param, double timestamp) → void
Custom audio processing local captured PCM audio frame callback.
onProcessCapturedAudioDataAfterUsedHeadphoneMonitor(Uint8List data, int dataLength, ZegoAudioFrameParam param, double timestamp) → void
Custom audio processing local captured PCM audio frame callback after used headphone monitor.
onProcessPlaybackAudioData(Uint8List data, int dataLength, ZegoAudioFrameParam param, double timestamp) → void
Custom audio processing SDK playback PCM audio frame callback.
onProcessRemoteAudioData(Uint8List data, int dataLength, ZegoAudioFrameParam param, String streamID, double timestamp) → void
Custom audio processing remote playing stream PCM audio frame callback.
onPublisherCapturedAudioFirstFrame() → void
The callback triggered when the first audio frame is captured.
onPublisherCapturedVideoFirstFrame(ZegoPublishChannel channel) → void
The callback triggered when the first video frame is captured.
onPublisherDummyCaptureImagePathError(int errorCode, String path, ZegoPublishChannel channel) → void
The notification for setting the path of the static image displayed when the camera is turned off is incorrect.
onPublisherLowFpsWarning(ZegoVideoCodecID codecID, ZegoPublishChannel channel) → void
Video encoding low frame rate warning.
onPublisherQualityUpdate(String streamID, ZegoPublishStreamQuality quality) → void
Callback for current stream publishing quality.
onPublisherRelayCDNStateUpdate(String streamID, List<ZegoStreamRelayCDNInfo> infoList) → void
The callback triggered when the state of relayed streaming to CDN changes.
onPublisherRenderVideoFirstFrame(ZegoPublishChannel channel) → void
The callback triggered when the first video frame is rendered.
onPublisherSendAudioFirstFrame(ZegoPublishChannel channel) → void
The callback triggered when the first video frame is captured.
onPublisherSendVideoFirstFrame(ZegoPublishChannel channel) → void
The callback triggered when the first video frame is sent.
onPublisherStateUpdate(String streamID, ZegoPublisherState state, int errorCode, Map<String, dynamic> extendedData) → void
The callback triggered when the state of stream publishing changes.
onPublisherStreamEvent(ZegoStreamEvent eventID, String streamID, String extraInfo) → void
The callback triggered when publishing stream.
onPublisherVideoEncoderChanged(ZegoVideoCodecID fromCodecID, ZegoVideoCodecID toCodecID, ZegoPublishChannel channel) → void
The callback triggered when the video encoder changes in publishing stream.
onPublisherVideoSizeChanged(int width, int height, ZegoPublishChannel channel) → void
The callback triggered when the video capture resolution changes.
onRangeAudioMicrophoneStateUpdate(ZegoRangeAudio rangeAudio, ZegoRangeAudioMicrophoneState state, int errorCode) → void
Range audio microphone state callback.
onReceiveRealTimeSequentialData(ZegoRealTimeSequentialDataManager manager, Uint8List data, String streamID) → void
Callback for receiving real-time sequential data.
onRectChanged(ZegoScreenCaptureSource source, Rect captureRect) → void
The callback will be triggered when the state of the capture target window change.
onRecvExperimentalAPI(String content) → void
Experimental API callback
onRecvRoomTransparentMessage(String roomID, ZegoRoomRecvTransparentMessage message) → void
The callback triggered when Barrage Messages are received.
onRemoteAudioSpectrumUpdate(Map<String, List<double>> audioSpectrums) → void
The remote playing streams audio spectrum callback.
onRemoteCameraStateUpdate(String streamID, ZegoRemoteDeviceState state) → void
The callback triggered when the state of the remote camera changes.
onRemoteMicStateUpdate(String streamID, ZegoRemoteDeviceState state) → void
The callback triggered when the state of the remote microphone changes.
onRemoteSoundLevelInfoUpdate(Map<String, ZegoSoundLevelInfo> soundLevelInfos) → void
The remote playing streams audio sound level callback, supported vad.
onRemoteSoundLevelUpdate(Map<String, double> soundLevels) → void
The remote playing streams audio sound level callback.
onRemoteSpeakerStateUpdate(String streamID, ZegoRemoteDeviceState state) → void
The callback triggered when the state of the remote speaker changes.
onRequestDumpData() → void
Request to dump data.
onRequestUploadDumpData(String dumpDir, bool takePhoto) → void
Request to dump data.
onRoomExtraInfoUpdate(String roomID, List<ZegoRoomExtraInfo> roomExtraInfoList) → void
The callback triggered when there is an update on the extra information of the room.
onRoomOnlineUserCountUpdate(String roomID, int count) → void
The callback triggered every 30 seconds to report the current number of online users.
onRoomStateChanged(String roomID, ZegoRoomStateChangedReason reason, int errorCode, Map<String, dynamic> extendedData) → void
Notification of the room connection state changes, including specific reasons for state change.
onRoomStateUpdate(String roomID, ZegoRoomState state, int errorCode, Map<String, dynamic> extendedData) → void
Notification of the room connection state changes.
onRoomStreamExtraInfoUpdate(String roomID, List<ZegoStream> streamList) → void
The callback triggered when there is an update on the extra information of the streams published by other users in the same room.
onRoomStreamUpdate(String roomID, ZegoUpdateType updateType, List<ZegoStream> streamList, Map<String, dynamic> extendedData) → void
The callback triggered when the number of streams published by the other users in the same room increases or decreases.
onRoomTokenWillExpire(String roomID, int remainTimeInSecond) → void
Callback notification that room Token authentication is about to expire.
onRoomUserUpdate(String roomID, ZegoUpdateType updateType, List<ZegoUser> userList) → void
The callback triggered when the number of other users in the room increases or decreases.
onStartDumpData(int errorCode) → void
Callback when starting to dump data.
onStopDumpData(int errorCode, String dumpDir) → void
Callback when stopping to dump data.
onUploadDumpData(int errorCode) → void
Callback after uploading the dump data.
onVideoDeviceStateChanged(ZegoUpdateType updateType, ZegoDeviceInfo deviceInfo) → void
The callback triggered when there is a change to video devices (i.e. new device added or existing device deleted).
onVideoObjectSegmentationStateChanged(ZegoObjectSegmentationState state, ZegoPublishChannel channel, int errorCode) → void
The video object segmentation state changed.
onWindowStateChanged(ZegoScreenCaptureSource source, ZegoScreenCaptureWindowState windowState, Rect windowRect) → void
The callback will be triggered when the state of the capture target window change.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.