onRemoteSoundLevelInfoUpdate method
The remote playing streams audio sound level callback, supported vad.
Available since: 2.10.0
Description: The remote playing streams audio sound level callback.
Trigger: After you start the sound level monitor by calling startSoundLevelMonitor
, you are in the state of playing the stream startPlayingStream
Caution: The callback notification period is the parameter value set when the startSoundLevelMonitor
is called.
Related APIs: Start sound level monitoring via startSoundLevelMonitor
. Monitoring local captured audio sound by callback onCapturedSoundLevelUpdate or onCapturedSoundLevelInfoUpdate.
Remote sound level hash map, key is the streamID, value is the sound level value of the corresponding streamID, value ranging from 0.0 to 100.0.
void onRemoteSoundLevelInfoUpdate(
Map<String, ZegoSoundLevelInfo> soundLevelInfos,
) {}