Shape$Typings extension



figure String

Available on Shape, provided by the Shape$Typings extension

Gets or sets the figure name, used to construct a Geometry. The value must be a string. The default value is "None".
getter/setter pair
fill ↔ dynamic

Available on Shape, provided by the Shape$Typings extension

Gets or sets the Brush or string that describes how the geometry is filled when drawn.
getter/setter pair
fromArrow String

Available on Shape, provided by the Shape$Typings extension

Gets or sets the name of the kind of arrowhead that this shape should take when this shape is an element of a Link. Value must be a string. For bi-directional links the arrowhead name often starts with "Backward...".
getter/setter pair
geometry Geometry?

Available on Shape, provided by the Shape$Typings extension

Gets or sets the Shape's Geometry that defines the Shape's figure. Setting a geometry is not necessary if a #figure is specified, as that will construct a geometry instead.
getter/setter pair
geometryStretch EnumValue

Available on Shape, provided by the Shape$Typings extension

Gets or sets how the shape's geometry is proportionally created given its computed size. Possible values are GraphObject.None, GraphObject.Fill, GraphObject.Uniform, and GraphObject.Default. The default is GraphObject.Default, which resolves to GraphObject.Fill for most figures, though some regular figures such as "Circle" and "Square" default to GraphObject.Uniform.
getter/setter pair
geometryString String

Available on Shape, provided by the Shape$Typings extension

When set, creates a Geometry and normalizes it from a given path string, then sets the #geometry property on this Shape and set the GraphObject#position to the amount computed by normalization. The property getter simply returns the toString value of the #geometry, or the empty string if there is no Geometry value.
getter/setter pair
graduatedEnd num

Available on Shape, provided by the Shape$Typings extension

Gets or sets the fractional distance along the main shape of a "Graduated" Panel at which this kind of tick should end. The default is 1. Any new value should range from 0 to 1.
getter/setter pair
graduatedSkip bool Function(num, Shape)?

Available on Shape, provided by the Shape$Typings extension

Gets or sets the function to determine which values along a "Graduated" Panel will be skipped. The default is null and doesn't skip any ticks.
getter/setter pair
graduatedStart num

Available on Shape, provided by the Shape$Typings extension

Gets or sets the fractional distance along the main shape of a "Graduated" Panel at which this kind of tick should start. The default is 0. Any new value should range from 0 to 1.
getter/setter pair
interval num

Available on Shape, provided by the Shape$Typings extension

Gets or sets how frequently this shape should be drawn within a "Grid" or "Graduated" Panel, in multiples of the Panel#gridCellSize or Panel#graduatedTickUnit. The default is 1. Any new value must be a positive integer.
getter/setter pair
isGeometryPositioned bool

Available on Shape, provided by the Shape$Typings extension

Gets or sets the whether the GraphObject#position of this shape denotes the top-left corner of this shape in panel coordinates or the origin of this geometry's coordinate system. Basically, this determines whether the #strokeWidth affects the rendered location. A true value allows multiple shapes to be positioned precisely in a "Position" Panel independent of the stroke width. The default is false.
getter/setter pair
naturalBounds Rect

Available on Shape, provided by the Shape$Typings extension

This read-only property returns the natural bounds of this Shape as determined by its #geometry's bounds. The bounds will always include the (0,0) point. If the #desiredSize is set, it returns a Rect with the #desiredSize. If no geometry is available, and no #desiredSize is set, this may have NaN values for the width and height.
getter/setter pair
parameter1 num

Available on Shape, provided by the Shape$Typings extension

Gets or sets a property for parameterizing the construction of a Geometry from a figure. The meaning of this property depends on the particular figure. The value must be a number; the default value is NaN.
getter/setter pair
parameter2 num

Available on Shape, provided by the Shape$Typings extension

Gets or sets a property for parameterizing the construction of a Geometry from a figure. The meaning of this property depends on the particular figure. The value must be a number; the default value is NaN.
getter/setter pair
pathPattern GraphObject?

Available on Shape, provided by the Shape$Typings extension

Gets or sets a GraphObject that is drawn repeatedly along the path of the stroke of this shape. This property may be set to a shared GraphObject; the GraphObject should not belong to any Panel. Note that data bindings do not work in such shared GraphObjects, because they are not part of the visual tree. The default value is null, causing no object to be drawn repeatedly.
getter/setter pair
spot1 Spot

Available on Shape, provided by the Shape$Typings extension

Gets or sets the top-left Spot used by some Panels for determining where in the shape other objects may be placed. The value is normally Spot.Default, but you may want to set it to override the value that many #figures use.
getter/setter pair
spot2 Spot

Available on Shape, provided by the Shape$Typings extension

Gets or sets the bottom-right Spot used by some Panels for determining where in the shape other objects may be placed. The value is normally Spot.Default, but you may want to set it to override the value that many #figures use.
getter/setter pair
stroke ↔ dynamic

Available on Shape, provided by the Shape$Typings extension

Gets or sets the Brush or string that describes how the geometry is drawn as if by a pen.
getter/setter pair
strokeCap StrokeCap

Available on Shape, provided by the Shape$Typings extension

Gets or sets the style for how the ends of the stroke's line are drawn. The value must be one of "butt", "round", or "square". The default is "butt".
getter/setter pair
strokeDashArray Array<num>?

Available on Shape, provided by the Shape$Typings extension

Gets or sets the dash array for creating dashed or dotted lines. The value must be an array of positive numbers and zeroes, or else null to indicate a solid line. For example, the array 5, 10 would create dashes of 5 pixels and spaces of 10 pixels. For more information, see Stroke Line Dash Array (
getter/setter pair
strokeDashOffset num

Available on Shape, provided by the Shape$Typings extension

Gets or sets the offset for dashed lines, used to start the drawing of the dash pattern with some space. The value must be a real non-negative number. The default is zero.
getter/setter pair
strokeJoin StrokeJoin

Available on Shape, provided by the Shape$Typings extension

Gets or sets the type of corner that will be drawn for a stroke at the intersection of two straight segments of the geometry. The value must be one of "miter", "bevel", or "round". The default is "miter".
getter/setter pair
strokeMiterLimit num

Available on Shape, provided by the Shape$Typings extension

Gets or sets the style for the stroke's mitre limit ratio. The value must be a real number greater than or equal to one. The default is 10.0.
getter/setter pair
strokeWidth num

Available on Shape, provided by the Shape$Typings extension

Gets or sets the thickness of the stroke's pen.
getter/setter pair
toArrow String

Available on Shape, provided by the Shape$Typings extension

Gets or sets the name of the kind of arrowhead that this shape should take when this shape is an element of a Link. Value must be a string.
getter/setter pair