fromArrow property

String get fromArrow

Gets or sets the name of the kind of arrowhead that this shape should take when this shape is an element of a Link. Value must be a string. For bi-directional links the arrowhead name often starts with "Backward...".

The default is "None", which means that this Shape is not an arrowhead, causing it to be the default Shape, a large filled Rectangle. If you want to have an arrowhead Shape but sometimes not show an arrowhead, you can set or bind the GraphObject#visible property, or you can set or bind this "toArrow" property to be the empty string. The arrowhead named "", an empty string, will display as nothing.

The name can be any case but will always be canonicalized when set. For instance, setting "opentriangle" will set the value of the arrowhead to "OpenTriangle". All of the predefined arrowheads are shown in the Arrowheads sample.

Setting this property may also set the GraphObject#segmentIndex, GraphObject#segmentOrientation, and GraphObject#alignmentFocus properties. This shape should be an element of a Link.

At most one of the following three properties may be set to a non-"None" value at the same time on the same shape: #figure, #toArrow, #fromArrow.

You can define your own named arrowheads by calling the static function Shape.defineArrowheadGeometry.

You can see a copy of all of the built-in arrowhead definitions in this file: Arrowheads.js.


_i2.String get fromArrow => _i4.getProperty(
set fromArrow (String value)


set fromArrow(_i2.String value) {