pathPattern property

GraphObject? get pathPattern

Gets or sets a GraphObject that is drawn repeatedly along the path of the stroke of this shape. This property may be set to a shared GraphObject; the GraphObject should not belong to any Panel. Note that data bindings do not work in such shared GraphObjects, because they are not part of the visual tree. The default value is null, causing no object to be drawn repeatedly.

Typically the object is a small Shape or a Picture. The larger the object is the worse the results will be, especially if the stroke has short segments or sharp curves. The pathPattern object is not part of the measured bounds of the Shape, it is a cosmetic element only.

The stroke is always drawn normally -- having a value for this property will draw the value along the stroke as well, so it is commonplace to set the #stroke to "transparent" and the #strokeWidth to be as wide as the height of the GraphObject being drawn along the stroke.

Examples of path patterns can be seen in the Relationships sample.

This property is ignored by the Shapes in "Grid" or "Graduated" Panels.


_i3.GraphObject? get pathPattern => _i4.getProperty(
set pathPattern (GraphObject? value)


set pathPattern(_i3.GraphObject? value) {
    value ?? _i5.undefined,