sugar library Sugar

Bundles and exports all other libraries.

All libraries are bundled and exported for one-line importing:

import 'package:sugar/sugar.dart';

It is recommended to treat this library as an index and browse through the individual libraries. Trying to understand Sugar by browsing through the aggregated classes can be overwhelming.


The default Timezone provider.
A Disposable holds resources such as sockets and streams that need to be manually disposed.
Failure<S extends Object, F extends Object>
Represents a failure.
A fake Random implementation that always produces a given sequence of values. It should only be used in tests.
Creates a FakeRuntime for testing.
A namespace for functions that group an Iterable's elements.
Interval<T extends Comparable<Object?>>
An Interval represents a convex (contiguous) portion of a domain bounded on both ends, i.e. { x | min < x < max }.
IterableRange<T extends Comparable<Object?>>
A Range that is also iterable.
A namespace for functions that move a List's elements to other collections.
A date without a timezone, as seen in a calendar, such as 2023-04-11.
A date-time without a timezone, such as 2023-04-10 09:30.
The time of the day without a timezone, as seen on a wall clock, such as. 12:30.
Max<T extends Comparable<Object?>>
A Max represents a convex (contiguous) portion of a domain bounded on the upper end, i.e. { x | x < value }.
Min<T extends Comparable<Object?>>
A Min represents a convex (contiguous) portion of a domain bounded on the lower end, i.e. { x | value < x }.
Denotes that the annotated element is not tested.
An offset is the time difference between a timezone and UTC.
The time of the day with an offset from UTC/Greenwich, such as 10:15+08:00.
Order<E, T extends Comparable<Object>>
A namespace for functions that order an Iterable's elements.
A Period represents a quantity of time in terms of its individual parts.
Denotes that an annotated element may return the given error codes or throw the given exceptions.
Range<T extends Comparable<Object?>>
A Range represents a convex (contiguous) portion of a domain.
Result<S extends Object, F extends Object>
A Result represents the result of an operation. It is a Success or Failure.
Provides a platform agnostic way to retrieve information about the platform.
A namespace for functions that move a Set's elements to other collections.
A namespace for functions that split an Iterable's elements.
Success<S extends Object, F extends Object>
Represents a success.
A unit of date-time, such as days or hours.
A timezone that contains rules defining how an offset varies for a single timezone.
A TimezoneSpan contains information about a timezone between two points in time.
Unbound<T extends Comparable<Object?>>
An Unbound interval represents a convex (contiguous) portion of a domain unbounded on both ends, i.e. { x | x }.
A date-time with a timezone such as 2023-04-13 10:15:30+08:00 Asia/Singapore.


A unit of date, such as months and days.
The platform's type.
A unit of time, such as hours and minutes.


Orderable<T extends Orderable<T>>
Simplifies implementation of naturally ordered types.


AggregateComparableIterable on Iterable<E>
Provides ordering functions for Iterables of Comparables.
AggregateIterable on Iterable<E>
Provides aggregate functions for Iterables.
AggregateNumberIterable on Iterable<E>
Provides aggregate functions for Iterables of nums.
Bools on bool
Provides functions for working with booleans.
Comparators on Comparator<T>
Provides functions for working with Comparators.
Dates on Never
Provides low-level functions for working with dates.
DateTimes on DateTime
Provides functions for working with in-built DateTimes.
DeepEqualityIterable on Iterable<Object?>
Provides functions for determining the deep equality of Iterables.
DeepEqualityMap on Map<Object?, Object?>
Provides functions for determining the deep equality of Maps.
DeepEqualityMapEntry on MapEntry<Object?, Object?>
Provides functions for determining the deep equality of MapEntrys.
Doubles on double
Provides functions for working with doubles.
Equality on Never
Provides functions that determine the deep equality of objects.
FutureMaybe on Future<T?>
Provides functions for working with asynchronous Maybes.
GroupableIterable on Iterable<E>
Provides functions for grouping an Iterable's elements.
HashCodes on Never
Provides functions that compute the deep hashcodes of objects.
Integers on int
Provides functions for working with ints.
IterableIterable on Iterable<Iterable<E>>
Provides functions for working with nested iterables.
Iterables on Iterable<E>
Provides functions for transforming Iterables to other collections.
Lists on List<E>
Provides functions for working with Lists.
Maps on Map<K, V>
Provides functions for working with Maps.
Maybe on T?
A Maybe monad that may or may not contain a T.
MovableList on List<E>
Provides functions for moving elements in lists to other collections.
MovableSet on Set<E>
Provides functions for moving elements in sets to other collections.
NonNullableList on List<E>
Provides functions for working with Lists of null-nullable elements.
NonNullableMap on Map<K, V>
Provides functions for working with Maps with null-nullable entries.
NonNullableSet on Set<E>
Provides functions for working with Sets of null-nullable elements.
OrderableIterable on Iterable<E>
Provides functions for ordering an Iterable.
Randoms on Random
Provides functions for using Randoms.
Sets on Set<E>
Provides functions for working with Sets.
SplittableIterable on Iterable<E>
Provides functions for splitting an Iterable into parts.
StringBuffers on StringBuffer
Provides functions for working with StringBuffers.
Strings on String
Provides functions that manipulate Strings.
Times on Never
Provides low-level functions for working with times.


lazy → const _Lazy
Denotes that the annotated element is lazy.


defaultPlatformTimezoneProvider() String
The default platform timezone provider.
disjoint(Iterable<Object?> a, Iterable<Object?> b) bool
Returns true if a and b have no common elements.
max<T>(T a, T b, {Select<T, Comparable<Object>>? by}) → T
Returns the greater of a and b.
min<T>(T a, T b, {Select<T, Comparable<Object>>? by}) → T
Returns the lesser of a and b.
reverse(List<Object?> list, [int start = 0, int? end]) → void
Reverses a list, or part of between start, inclusive and end, exclusive, in-place.
separate<E>(List<E> list, {required List<E> by}) List<E>
Returns a copy of the list with its elements separated by those in by.


Callback = void Function()
A callback that has no arguments and returns nothing.
Consume<T> = void Function(T value)
An operation that accepts a single argument and returns nothing.
DayMicroseconds = int
The microseconds in a day since midnight.
DayMilliseconds = int
The milliseconds in a day since midnight.
DaySeconds = int
The seconds in a day since midnight.
EpochDays = int
The days since Unix epoch, 1st January 1970.
EpochMicroseconds = int
The microseconds since Unix epoch, 1st January 1970.
EpochMilliseconds = int
The milliseconds since Unix epoch, 1st January 1970.
EpochSeconds = int
The seconds since Unix epoch, 1st January 1970.
Predicate<T> = bool Function(T value)
A predicate (boolean-valued function) of one argument.
Select<T, R> = R Function(T value)
A selector of one argument.
Supply<T> = T Function()
A supplier of Ts.

Exceptions / Errors

Thrown when an exceptional arithmetic condition has occurred.