core library Core

General purpose utilities for every Dart program.


Annotations that express intent, similar to those in package:meta.

Comparables & Equality

Mixins that simplify implementation of Comparable, utilities for working with Comparable, and determining deep equality of inbuilt collections.

Mixin for implementing Comparable:

Comparable & Comparator utilities:

Deep equality:

Functions & Monads

Type definitions for common functions, and monads.

Function type definitions:



Utilities for manipulating primitive types, i.e. bool and String.



A Disposable holds resources such as sockets and streams that need to be manually disposed.
Failure<S extends Object, F extends Object>
Represents a failure.
Denotes that the annotated element is not tested.
Denotes that an annotated element may return the given error codes or throw the given exceptions.
Result<S extends Object, F extends Object>
A Result represents the result of an operation. It is a Success or Failure.
Success<S extends Object, F extends Object>
Represents a success.


Orderable<T extends Orderable<T>>
Simplifies implementation of naturally ordered types.


Bools on bool
Provides functions for working with booleans.
Comparators on Comparator<T>
Provides functions for working with Comparators.
DeepEqualityIterable on Iterable<Object?>
Provides functions for determining the deep equality of Iterables.
DeepEqualityMap on Map<Object?, Object?>
Provides functions for determining the deep equality of Maps.
DeepEqualityMapEntry on MapEntry<Object?, Object?>
Provides functions for determining the deep equality of MapEntrys.
Equality on Never
Provides functions that determine the deep equality of objects.
FutureMaybe on Future<T?>
Provides functions for working with asynchronous Maybes.
HashCodes on Never
Provides functions that compute the deep hashcodes of objects.
Maybe on T?
A Maybe monad that may or may not contain a T.
StringBuffers on StringBuffer
Provides functions for working with StringBuffers.
Strings on String
Provides functions that manipulate Strings.


lazy → const _Lazy
Denotes that the annotated element is lazy.


max<T>(T a, T b, {Select<T, Comparable<Object>>? by}) → T
Returns the greater of a and b.
min<T>(T a, T b, {Select<T, Comparable<Object>>? by}) → T
Returns the lesser of a and b.


Callback = void Function()
A callback that has no arguments and returns nothing.
Consume<T> = void Function(T value)
An operation that accepts a single argument and returns nothing.
Predicate<T> = bool Function(T value)
A predicate (boolean-valued function) of one argument.
Select<T, R> = R Function(T value)
A selector of one argument.
Supply<T> = T Function()
A supplier of Ts.