EnemyExtensions extension

Functions util to use in your Enemy



playerRect Vector2Rect
Gets player position used how base in calculations
no setter


getAngleFomPlayer() double
Get angle between enemy and player player as a base
getInverseAngleFomPlayer() double
Get angle between enemy and player enemy position as a base
seeAndMoveToAttackRange({required dynamic positioned(Player), double radiusVision = 32, double? minDistanceFromPlayer, bool runOnlyVisibleInScreen = true}) → void
Checks whether the player is within range. If so, move to it.
seeAndMoveToPlayer({required dynamic closePlayer(Player), double radiusVision = 32, double margin = 10, bool runOnlyVisibleInScreen = true}) → void
Checks whether the player is within range. If so, move to it.
seePlayer({required dynamic observed(Player), VoidCallback? notObserved, double radiusVision = 32}) → void
This method we notify when detect the player when enter in radiusVision configuration Method that bo used in update method.
simpleAttackMelee({required double damage, required double height, required double width, int? id, int interval = 1000, bool withPush = false, double? sizePush, Direction? direction, Future<SpriteAnimation>? animationRight, Future<SpriteAnimation>? animationDown, Future<SpriteAnimation>? animationLeft, Future<SpriteAnimation>? animationUp, VoidCallback? execute}) → void
Execute simple attack melee using animation
simpleAttackRange({required Future<SpriteAnimation> animationRight, required Future<SpriteAnimation> animationLeft, required Future<SpriteAnimation> animationUp, required Future<SpriteAnimation> animationDown, required Future<SpriteAnimation> animationDestroy, required double width, required double height, int? id, double speed = 150, double damage = 1, Direction? direction, int interval = 1000, bool withCollision = true, bool enableDiagonal = true, CollisionConfig? collision, VoidCallback? destroy, VoidCallback? execute, LightingConfig? lightingConfig}) → void
Execute the ranged attack using a component with animation