GroupChannel class

Represents a group channel.

Available Extensions
  • @JsonSerializable()


GroupChannel({required String channelUrl, BaseMessage? lastMessage, bool isSuper = false, bool isBroadcast = false, bool isPublic = false, bool isDistinct = false, bool isDiscoverable = false, bool isExclusive = false, bool isAccessCodeRequired = false, int unreadMessageCount = 0, int unreadMentionCount = 0, List<Member> members = const [], int memberCount = 0, int joinedMemberCount = 0, GroupChannelPushTriggerOption myPushTriggerOption = GroupChannelPushTriggerOption.defaultValue, bool isChatNotification = false, MemberState myMemberState = MemberState.none, Role myRole = Role.none, MuteState myMutedState = MuteState.unmuted, CountPreference myCountPreference = CountPreference.all, User? creator, Member? inviter, int invitedAt = 0, int joinedAt = 0, bool isHidden = false, GroupChannelHiddenState hiddenState = GroupChannelHiddenState.unhidden, int myLastRead = 0, int? messageOffsetTimestamp, int messageSurvivalSeconds = -1, List<int> pinnedMessageIds = const [], BaseMessage? lastPinnedMessage, int pinnedMessageUpdatedAt = 0, String name = '', String coverUrl = '', int? createdAt, String data = '', String customType = '', bool isFrozen = false, bool isEphemeral = false})
GroupChannel.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
GroupChannel.fromJsonWithChat(Chat chat, Map<String, dynamic> json)


channelType ChannelType
no setterinherited
channelUrl String
The unique channel URL.
getter/setter pairinherited
chat ↔ Chat
getter/setter pairinherited
coverUrl String
The cover image URL.
getter/setter pairinherited
createdAt int?
The creation time of the channel.
getter/setter pairinherited
creator User?
The creator of this channel.
getter/setter pair
customType String
The custom type of the channel.
getter/setter pairinherited
data String
The channel data.
getter/setter pairinherited
dirty bool
getter/setter pairinherited
fromCache bool
getter/setter pairinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
hiddenState GroupChannelHiddenState
The hiddenState of this channel.
getter/setter pair
invitedAt int
My invitation timestamp.
getter/setter pair
inviter Member?
The inviter of the current User to this channel.
getter/setter pair
isAccessCodeRequired bool
Whether this channel requires access code to join. This value is valid only if this channel is a public GroupChannel.
getter/setter pair
isBroadcast bool
Checks whether this channel is a broadcast GroupChannel.
getter/setter pair
isChatNotification bool
Checks whether this channel is a chat notification GroupChannel. @since 4.0.3
getter/setter pair
isDiscoverable bool
Checks whether this channel is discoverable in the result of PublicGroupChannelListQuery. If it is false, it will not appear on the result of PublicGroupChannelListQuery.
getter/setter pair
isDistinct bool
Checks whether this channel is a distinct GroupChannel. For a distinct GroupChannel, later when you create GroupChannel with same User and isDistinct flag being true (refer to createChannel), the channel URL does not change, which means the messages between Users remain at the channel. If the channel is not distinct one, a new GroupChannel is created even though Users are same. As a result, you get a totally new channel URL (the old channel still remains), which means the Users start new conversation.
getter/setter pair
isEphemeral bool
Whether the channel is ephemeral.
getter/setter pairinherited
isExclusive bool
Checks whether this channel is an exclusive GroupChannel.
getter/setter pair
isFrozen bool
Whether the channel is frozen.
getter/setter pairinherited
isHidden bool
Checks whether this channel is hidden.
getter/setter pair
isPublic bool
Checks whether this channel is a public GroupChannel.
getter/setter pair
isSuper bool
Checks whether this channel is a super GroupChannel.
getter/setter pair
joinedAt int
The timestamp when the current user joined.
getter/setter pair
joinedMemberCount int
The total joined member count for this channel.
getter/setter pair
key String
no setterinherited
lastMessage BaseMessage?
The last message of the channel.
getter/setter pair
lastPinnedMessage BaseMessage?
The last message among channel's pinned messages.
getter/setter pair
memberCount int
The total member count for this channel.
getter/setter pair
members List<Member>
Member list for this channel.
getter/setter pair
messageOffsetTimestamp int?
This property is set when GroupChannelOperation.resetMyHistory and GroupChannelConfiguration.hide is called.
getter/setter pair
messageSurvivalSeconds int
getter/setter pair
myCountPreference CountPreference
Checks whether unread message count is enabled for this channel. This count preference can be set by GroupChannelConfiguration.setMyCountPreference.
getter/setter pair
myLastRead int
Current user's last read receipt timestamp in channel.
getter/setter pair
myMemberState MemberState
My member state.
getter/setter pair
myMutedState MuteState
My muted state in this channel.
getter/setter pair
myPushTriggerOption GroupChannelPushTriggerOption
My push trigger option. The push trigger setting can be updated by GroupChannelConfiguration.setMyPushTriggerOption.
getter/setter pair
myRole Role
My Role in this channel.
getter/setter pair
name String
The topic or name of the channel.
getter/setter pairinherited
pinnedMessageIds List<int>
The pinned message ids of the channel.
getter/setter pair
pinnedMessageUpdatedAt int
getter/setter pair
primaryKey String
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
unreadMentionCount int
The unread mention count for this channel for the current User.
getter/setter pair
unreadMessageCount int
The unread message count for this channel for the current User.
getter/setter pair


canUpdate(GroupChannel channel) Future<bool>
checkUnsupportedAction() → void
copyWith(dynamic other) → void
deleteChannel() Future<void>
Deletes this GroupChannel. Note that only operators of a channel are able to delete it or else, an error will be returned to the handler.
getCachedDeliveryStatus(String channelUrl) Map<String, int>
getCachedReadStatus(String channelUrl) Map<String, int>
getMember(String userId) Member?
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
serialize() Uint8List
set(Chat chat) → void
setCachedDeliveryStatus(Map<String, int> deliveryStatus) → void
setCachedReadStatus(Map<String, int> readStatus) → void
toJson() Map<String, dynamic>
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
updateChannel(GroupChannelUpdateParams params, {ProgressHandler? progressHandler}) Future<GroupChannel>
Update this channel with GroupChannelUpdateParams.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

createChannel(GroupChannelCreateParams params, {ProgressHandler? progressHandler, Chat? chat}) Future<GroupChannel>
Creates GroupChannel with GroupChannelCreateParams.
getChannel(String channelUrl, {Chat? chat}) Future<GroupChannel>
Gets a GroupChannel with given channel URL.
getChannelFromCache(String channelUrl, {Chat? chat}) Future<GroupChannel?>
Gets a GroupChannel with given channel URL from cache.
refresh(String channelUrl, {Chat? chat}) Future<GroupChannel>
Refreshes all the data of this channel.