GroupChannelRead extension




getReadMembers(BaseMessage message, {bool includeAllMembers = false}) List<Member>
Gets the member list who have read the given message.
getReadStatus(bool includeAllMembers) Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>>
Gets ReadStatus for all members in this GroupChannel.
getUndeliveredMembers(BaseMessage message) List<Member>?
Returns the list of members that haven't received the given message. This excludes the current logged-in User and the Sender of the message. It will always be zero if the passed on message is an AdminMessage, or if this channel is a super group channel. If there is no delivery status, returns null. (Delivery receipt is a premium feature.)
getUnreadMembers(BaseMessage message, {bool includeAllMembers = false}) List<Member>
Gets the member list who haven't read the given message.
markAsRead() Future<void>
Sends mark as read to this channel.