BaseChannelMessage extension




cancelFileMessageUpload(String requestId) bool
Cancels an ongoing FileMessage upload.
copyMessage(BaseMessage message, BaseChannel targetChannel, {BaseMessageHandler? handler}) BaseMessage
Copies a message from this channel to the target channel.
deleteMessage(int messageId) Future<void>
Deletes a message.
getMessageChangeLogs(MessageChangeLogParams params, {int? timestamp, String? token}) Future<MessageChangeLogs>
Requests message change logs after given token or timestamp
getMessagesByMessageId(int messageId, MessageListParams params) Future<List<RootMessage>>
Retrieves previous or next messages based on the message ID in a specific channel.
getMessagesByTimestamp(int timestamp, MessageListParams params) Future<List<RootMessage>>
Retrieves previous or next messages based on the timestamp in a specific channel.
resendFileMessage(FileMessage message, {File? file, FileMessageHandler? handler, ProgressHandler? progressHandler}) FileMessage
Resends a file with given file information. fileMessage Failed fileMessage. file File to resend. If there is a fileUrl or a fileBytes in fileMessage, this will be ignored.
resendUserMessage(UserMessage message, {UserMessageHandler? handler}) UserMessage
Resends a failed user message. message is a failed user message.
sendFileMessage(FileMessageCreateParams params, {FileMessageHandler? handler, ProgressHandler? progressHandler, int? resendMessageId}) FileMessage
Sends a file with given file information.
sendUserMessage(UserMessageCreateParams params, {UserMessageHandler? handler, int? resendMessageId}) UserMessage
Sends a user message.
sendUserMessageWithText(String text, {UserMessageHandler? handler}) UserMessage
Sends a user message with text.
translateUserMessage(UserMessage message, List<String> targetLanguages) Future<UserMessage>
Translates a user message.
updateFileMessage(int messageId, FileMessageUpdateParams params) Future<FileMessage>
Updates a FileMessage that was previously sent in the channel. Note that the file itself cannot be changed; only the fields stored within the message can be modified.
updateUserMessage(int messageId, UserMessageUpdateParams params) Future<UserMessage>
Updates a UserMessage that was previously sent in the channel.