quickly library

Quickly is awesome flutter package for faster and cleaner development.


A customizable button widget that follows a specific design style.
A checkbox widget with customizable appearance and behavior.
A responsive grid layout widget that arranges its children in a row.
A customizable radio button widget with additional features provided by FxRadio.
A responsive widget that renders different UI components based on the screen width.
A customizable switch widget with additional features provided by FxSwitch.
A custom text form field widget with additional features.
Helper methods
A widget that displays a shimmer effect.


Defines the possible shapes for the FxButton.
Defines the possible sizes for the FxButton.
Defines the possible types for the FxButton.
Enum representing the theme of the shimmer effect.


Custom color palette for easy access to predefined color options
Gives predefined Padding
Border radius to easliy get predefined radius.
Gives predefined shadows


AlignExtension on Widget
Align extension to extend widget functionality
ContextExtension on BuildContext
Context extension to extend widget functionality
DateTimeExtension on DateTime
An extension on the DateTime class that provides a method for formatting the difference between a given date and the current date in human-readable format.
GestureExtension on Widget
Extension class to add gesture handling capabilities to a Widget.
IntExtension on int
IntExtension is an extension method on the int class that provides additional functionality for working with months and weeks.
ListExtension on List<T>
List extension to extend List functionality
MapExtension on Map<T, T>
Map extension to extend Map functionality
NumExt on num
Extension class for num type that adds convenience functions to create SizedBox widgets.
NumExtension on num
Extends the functionality of the num class by adding various methods for formatting and working with numbers.
OpacityExtension on Widget
Extension to add opacity functionality to a widget.
PaddingExtension on Widget
Padding extension on widget to directly get padding
RadiusExtension on Widget
Radius extension to extend Container functionality
ShimmerExtension on Widget
Extension class to apply shimmer effect to any widget.
StringExtension on String
String extensions to get basic functionality on strings
TextColorExtension on Text
Custom color extension for the Text color. This extension provides getter methods for various commonly used colors in the application.
TextExtension on Text
Text extension to directly style on Text
WidgetExtension on Widget
The WidgetExtension extension is an extension on the Widget class in Flutter.


validators Map<String, ValidatorFunction>
A map containing pre-defined validator functions.


alphabeticValidator(String value) String?
Validates whether the input value contains only alphabetic characters.
alphanumericValidator(String value) String?
Validates whether the input value contains only alphanumeric characters.
emailValidator(String value) String?
Validates whether the input value is a valid email address.
lengthValidator(String value, {int? min, int? max}) String?
Validates the length of the input value based on minimum and maximum constraints.
numericValidator(String value) String?
Validates whether the input value is a valid number.
requiredValidator(String value) String?
Validates whether the input value is empty or not.


ValidatorFunction = String? Function(String)
A function that performs validation on a given input value.