RadiusExtension extension

Radius extension to extend Container functionality



rounded ClipRRect
The rounded getter applies a border radius of 15 dp to the Container, making it even more rounded.
no setter
roundedFull ClipRRect
The roundedFull getter applies a circular border radius to the Container, making it a full circle.
no setter
roundedLg ClipRRect
The roundedLg getter applies a border radius of 25 dp to the Container, making it even more rounded.
no setter
roundedMd ClipRRect
The roundedMd getter applies a border radius of 20 dp to the Container, making it even more rounded.
no setter
roundedNone ClipRRect
The roundedNone getter removes the border radius from the Container, making it square.
no setter
roundedSm ClipRRect
The roundedSm getter applies a border radius of 10 dp to the Container, making it more rounded.
no setter
roundedXl ClipRRect
The roundedXl getter applies a border radius of 30 dp to the Container, making it even more rounded.
no setter
roundedXs ClipRRect
The roundedXs getter applies a border radius of 5 dp to the Container, making it slightly rounded.
no setter


withRounded({required double radius}) ClipRRect
The withRounded getter adds rounded corners to the Container with a specified radius.