ContextExtension extension

Context extension to extend widget functionality



bodyLarge TextStyle?
similar to Theme.of(context).textTheme.bodyLarge
no setter
bodyMedium TextStyle?
similar to Theme.of(context).textTheme.bodyMedium
no setter
bodySmall TextStyle?
similar to Theme.of(context).textTheme.bodySmall
no setter
brightness Brightness
Platform brightness
no setter
devicePixelRatio double
similar to MediaQuery.devicePixelRatioOf(context)
no setter
displayLarge TextStyle?
similar to Theme.of(context).textTheme.displayLarge
no setter
displayMedium TextStyle?
similar to Theme.of(context).textTheme.displayMedium
no setter
displaySmall TextStyle?
similar to Theme.of(context).textTheme.displaySmall
no setter
headlineLarge TextStyle?
similar to Theme.of(context).textTheme.headlineLarge
no setter
headlineMedium TextStyle?
similar to Theme.of(context).textTheme.headlineMedium
no setter
headlineSmall TextStyle?
similar to Theme.of(context).textTheme.headlineSmall
no setter
height double
Get MediaQuery Screen Height
no setter
isDark bool
If the ThemeData of the current BuildContext is dark
no setter
isDesktop bool
Check if the window size is of Desktop Size
no setter
isLandscape bool
check if device is on landscape mode
no setter
isLight bool
If the ThemeData of the current BuildContext is light
no setter
isMobile bool
Check if the window size is of Mobile Size
no setter
isPortrait bool
check if device is on portrait mode
no setter
isTablet bool
Check if the window size is of Tablet Size
no setter
labelLarge TextStyle?
similar to Theme.of(context).textTheme.labelLarge
no setter
labelMedium TextStyle?
similar to Theme.of(context).textTheme.labelMedium
no setter
labelSmall TextStyle?
similar to Theme.of(context).textTheme.labelSmall
no setter
mq MediaQueryData
similar to MediaQuery.of(this)
no setter
Returns the nearest ancestor Navigator widget.
no setter
orientation Orientation
similar to MediaQuery.of(context).orientation
no setter
screenDensity double
Get MediaQuery Screen Density
no setter
screenPadding EdgeInsets
Get MediaQuery Screen Padding
no setter
size Size
Get MediaQuery Screen Width
no setter
textScaleFactor TextScaler
similar to MediaQuery.textScaleFactorOf(context)
no setter
textTheme TextTheme
similar to Theme.of(context).textTheme
no setter
theme ThemeData
similar to Theme.of(context)
no setter
titleLarge TextStyle?
similar to Theme.of(context).textTheme.titleLarge
no setter
titleMedium TextStyle?
similar to Theme.of(context).textTheme.titleMedium
no setter
titleSmall TextStyle?
similar to Theme.of(context).textTheme.titleSmall
no setter
width double
Get MediaQuery Screen Width
no setter


pop<T>([T? result]) → void
Provides a shortcut to pop the current route off the navigator.
push<T>(Route<T> route) Future<T?>
Provides a shortcut to push a new route to the navigator.
pushNamed<T>(String routeName, {Object? arguments}) Future<T?>
Provides a shortcut to push a named route to the navigator.
showSnackBar(String message) → void
Shows a SnackBar with the given message