WidgetExtension extension

The WidgetExtension extension is an extension on the Widget class in Flutter.

It allows for additional functionality to be added to any widget through the use of dot notation



center Center
Creates a Center widget with the current widget as its child
no setter


expand([int flex = 1]) Expanded
Creates an Expanded widget with the current widget as its child
flexible([int flex = 1, FlexFit fit = FlexFit.loose]) Flexible
Creates a Flexible widget with the current widget as its child
hBox(double height) SizedBox
Creates a SizedBox widget with the current widget as its child and sets its height
hide(bool isVisible, {bool maintainSize = false}) Visibility
Creates a Visibility widget with the current widget as its child and sets its visibility based on the passed condition
positioned({double? top, double? bottom, double? left, double? right, double? height, double? width}) Positioned
Creates a Positioned widget with the current widget as its child. Only two out of the three horizontal values (left, right, width), and only two out of the three vertical values (top, bottom, height), can be set. In each case, at least one of the three must be null.
show(bool isVisible, {bool maintainSize = false}) Visibility
Creates a Visibility widget with the current widget as its child and sets its visibility based on the passed condition
sizedBox({double? h, double? w}) SizedBox
Creates a SizedBox widget with the current widget as its child and sets its height and width
sqBox(double size) SizedBox
Creates a square shaped SizedBox widget with the current widget as its child and sets its height and width
wBox(double? width) SizedBox
Creates a SizedBox widget with the current widget as its child and sets its width