MaterialDateRangePickerComponent class

A material-design-styled date range picker.

Users can choose preset date ranges, type in custom date ranges, or select ranges by playing around with the calendar.

When a user types in a date, dates with 2-digit years are handled specially. E.g. 7/7/77 is interpreted as July 7, 1977, not July 7, 77. This logic looks 20 years into the future: right now (August 2015), "35" is interpreted as 2035 but "36" is interpreted as "1936". Next year, "36" will start to be interpreted as 2036.

Since a primary use of this picker is for a global per-app date range, this component can also read from and write to an ObservableReference instance. (The DatepickerModel class is also provided to make using it easier in dependency injection.)

To control the size of the popup, provide a PopupSizeProvider through dependency injection. If no PopupSizeProvider is provided, the maximum height of the popup is 600px.


  • popupClass -- Class to be added to the range picker popup so that the popup can be styled in an encapsulated way. See MaterialPopup for documentation.
Implemented types
Mixed-in types
  • @Component(selector: 'material-date-range-picker', styleUrls: ['material_date_range_picker.scss.css'], templateUrl: 'material_date_range_picker.html', directives: [ButtonDirective, DateRangeEditorComponent, DeferredContentDirective, DropdownButtonComponent, FocusableDirective, KeyboardOnlyFocusIndicatorDirective, MaterialButtonComponent, MaterialPopupComponent, NextPrevComponent, NgIf, PopupSourceDirective, FocusTrapComponent], providers: [ExistingProvider(DateRangeEditorHost, MaterialDateRangePickerComponent), ExistingProvider(Focusable, MaterialDateRangePickerComponent), ExistingProvider(HasDisabled, MaterialDateRangePickerComponent), ExistingProvider(PopupSizeProvider, MaterialDateRangePickerComponent)])


MaterialDateRangePickerComponent(@Optional() @Inject(datepickerClock) Clock? clock, Clock legacyClock, @Optional() DatepickerConfig? config, @Attribute('popupClass') String? popupClass, @Optional() @SkipSelf() PopupSizeProvider? _popupSizeProvider, HtmlElement element, DomService _domService, NgZone _ngZone)


activeDateFormat ↔ DateFormat
The DateFormat used to format dates when the input is active.
getter/setter pair
allowHighlightUpdates bool
getter/setter pair
applyBarVisible bool
getter/setter pair
applyButtonLabel String?
The label for the 'Apply' button. Set this variable only if you want a different label other than 'Apply'. If set, the input label should be internationalized.
getter/setter pair
applyButtonMsg String
no setter
compact bool
Whether to enable compact calendar styles.
getter/setter pair
comparisonOptions List<ComparisonOption>
ComparisonOptions the user can choose from.
no getter
configuration DateRangePickerConfiguration
Date range picker configuration.
getter/setter pair
dateFormat ↔ DateFormat
The DateFormat used to format dates.
getter/setter pair
disabled bool
Whether changing the selected date range should be disabled.
getter/setter pairoverride
The ARIA label for the dropdown button.
getter/setter pair
error String?
An error displayed below the dropdown button.
getter/setter pair
focusable Focusable?
no getterinherited
focusableElement ButtonDirective?
no getter
focusOnClose KeyboardOnlyFocusIndicatorDirective?
getter/setter pair
formattedComparison String?
no setter
formattedRange String?
no setter
hasComparison bool
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hasTitle bool
no setter
isBasic bool
Whether or not this date range picker is basic.
no setter
isCalendarCreated bool
no setter
isEditorCreated bool
no setter
maxDate Date
Dates later than maxDate cannot be chosen.
getter/setter pair
minDate Date
Dates earlier than minDate cannot be chosen.
getter/setter pair
model DateRangeEditorModel
movingStartMaintainsLength bool
For date range selection, whether clicking to move the start date should also move the end date (preserving the length of the selected range).
getter/setter pair
onFocus Stream<FocusEvent>
Event when the element is focused.
no setterinherited
onPopupVisible Stream<bool>
Published when the datepicker popup starts opening or closing.
no setter
placeHolderMsg String
A placeholder message to display if no date range is selected.
getter/setter pair
getter/setter pair
popupClassName String
CSS classes from the root element, passed to the popup to allow scoping of mixins.
preferredPositions List<RelativePosition>
A list of positions for popup alignment.
getter/setter pair
presets List<DatepickerPreset>
A list of preset date ranges which the user can choose from.
getter/setter pair
range DatepickerComparison?
The selected date range and comparison.
getter/setter pair
rangeChange Stream<DatepickerComparison?>
Published when the selected date range or comparison range changes.
no setter
rangeFormatter RangeFormatter
Custom date range formatter function to apply to dropdown button text.
getter/setter pair
rangeTitle String
no setter
relativeDaysToToday bool
Whether to use LastNDaysToTodayRange to represent "N days up to today".
getter/setter pair
requireFullPeriods bool
When 'requireFullPeriods' is true, 'prev/next' button will be disabled if previous or next period is not a full predefined period, like 'week'.
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
selection ObservableReference<DatepickerComparison?>
An ObservableReference of a date range.
getter/setter pair
showNextPrevButtons bool
Whether or not to show the next and previous buttons.
getter/setter pair
supportsClearRange bool
Whether or not this date range picker supports clearing date range.
getter/setter pair
supportsComparison bool
Whether or not this date range picker supports choosing time comparison ranges.
getter/setter pair
supportsCustomRange bool
Whether or not this date range picker supports choosing custom range.
no setter
supportsDaysInputs bool
Whether or not this date range picker includes a section to input 'N days to today' and 'N days to yesterday' ranges.
getter/setter pair
useMenuForPresets bool
Whether to use menu-items-groups for presets for improved accessibility.
getter/setter pair


apply(UIEvent event) → void
applyAndPreventDefault(UIEvent event) → void
cancel() → void
cancelAndPreventDefault(UIEvent event) → void
close() → void
Close the datepicker popup.
dateRangeEditorCreated(Focusable editor) → void
focus() → void
Item/component focuses itself
getMaxHeight(num positionY, num viewportHeight) num
The max height.
getMaxWidth(num positionX, num viewportWidth) num?
The max width.
getMinHeight(num positionY, num viewportHeight) num?
The min height.
getMinWidth(num positionX, num viewportWidth) num?
The min width.
handleFocus(FocusEvent event) → void
initEditor() → void
ngAfterChanges() → void
ngOnDestroy() → void
Executed before the directive is removed from the DOM and destroyed.
ngOnInit() → void
Executed after the first change detection run for a directive.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
onRangeClicked(UIEvent event) → void
open() → void
Open the datepicker popup.
setFocusToDateRangeEditor() → void
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

cancelButtonMsg String