MaterialPopupComponent class

A popup component with material design look-and-feel.


  • Popups closing and opening are automatically delayed to add animations
  • Take advantage of enforceSpaceConstraints defined in PopupInterface.

This is useful if content size is such that adds scroll to the page.

Material popup also supports deferred/lazy-loaded content.

This component publishes itself as a DropdownHandle, so its children may control its visibility by injecting it:

class MyComponent {
  final DropdownHandle _dropdownHandle;


  void onSomethingThatShouldCloseTheDropdown() {
Implemented types
Mixed-in types
  • @Component(selector: 'material-popup', providers: [ExistingProvider(DeferredContentAware, MaterialPopupComponent), ExistingProvider(DropdownHandle, MaterialPopupComponent), FactoryProvider(PopupHierarchy, getHierarchy), FactoryProvider(PopupRef, getResolvedPopupRef)], templateUrl: 'material_popup.html', styleUrls: ['material_popup.scss.css'], preserveWhitespace: true, visibility: Visibility.all, changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.onPush)


MaterialPopupComponent(@Optional() @SkipSelf() PopupHierarchy? _hierarchy, @Optional() @SkipSelf() MaterialPopupComponent? parentPopup, @Attribute('role') String? role, NgZone _ngZone, OverlayService _overlayService, DomService _domService, ZIndexer _zIndexer, @Inject(defaultPopupPositions) List<RelativePosition> _defaultPreferredPositions, @Inject(overlayRepositionLoop) Object useRepositionLoop, @Inject(overlayViewportBoundaries) Object viewportBoundaries, @Optional() PopupSizeProvider? _popupSizeProvider, ChangeDetectorRef _changeDetector, ViewContainerRef _viewContainer, Element elementRef)


ariaLabel String?
The label to be used for assistive technologies.
getter/setter pair
autoDismiss bool
Sets whether the popup should dismiss (close) itself on document press.
getter/setter pairinherited-setteroverride-getter
autoDismissBlockers List<Element>
The outer element which should prevent the auto dismiss logic.
getter/setter pairoverride-getter
constrainToViewport bool
Sets whether the popup should be constrained to the viewport.
no getterinherited
container Element?
The html element corresponding to the popup.
no setteroverride
contentVisible Stream<bool>
Component publishes to this stream to control the visibility of contents.
no setteroverride
elementRef Element
enforceSpaceConstraints bool
Sets whether the popup should automatically reposition itself based on space available relative to the viewport.
no getterinherited
hasBox bool
Whether the popup panel has an enclosing box that wraps the content.
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hierarchy PopupHierarchy
The popup visible hierarchy.
no setteroverride
inkBackground bool
Sets the background color of the popup to be ink ($mat-grey-700).
getter/setter pair
isVisible bool
no setter
matchMinSourceWidth bool
Sets whether popup should set a minimum width to the width of source.
getter/setter pairoverride-setter
maxHeight num?
The max height of the popup content provided by the PopupSizeProvider.
getter/setter pair
maxWidth num?
The max width of the popup content provided by the PopupSizeProvider.
getter/setter pair
minHeight num?
The min height of the popup content provided by the PopupSizeProvider.
getter/setter pair
minWidth num?
The min width of the popup content provided by the PopupSizeProvider.
getter/setter pair
offsetX int
Sets the x-offset to where the popup will be positioned ultimately.
no getterinherited
offsetY int
Sets the y-offset to where the popup will be positioned ultimately.
no getterinherited
onAutoDismissed Stream<Event>
Stream on which an event is fired when the popup is auto dismissed. Output event should be either a FocusEvent or a MouseEvent.
no setter
onClose Stream<void>
no setterinherited
onCloseController StreamController<void>
onOpen Stream<void>
no setterinherited
onOpenController StreamController<void>
onOpened Stream<void>
Stream on which an event is fired after the popup has finished opening.
no setter
onVisible Stream<bool>
no setterinherited
onVisibleController StreamController<bool>
paneId String?
The popup pane ID, which is added to the DOM (as pane-id) for testing.
no setter
popupSizeProvider PopupSizeProvider
Sets a provider for the popup size.
no getter
preferredPositions Iterable<RelativePosition>
Sets what positions should be tried when enforceSpaceConstraints is set.
no getterinherited
role String
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
showPopup bool
Whether the underlying popup should be content visible.
getter/setter pair
slide String?
Direction of popup scaling.
getter/setter pair
source PopupSource?
Sets the source the popup should be created relative to.
no getteroverride
state PopupState
The state of the PopupRef that is manipulated by this component.
templateRef ↔ TemplateRef?
getter/setter pair
trackLayoutChanges bool
Sets whether the source should be tracked for changes.
no getterinherited
transformOrigin String?
The CSS transform origin based on configuration.
no setter
uniqueId String
The unique DOM ID assigned to the popup element.
no setter
visible bool
Sets whether the popup should be shown.
no getteroverride
z int
The z-elevation of the border effect.
getter/setter pair
zElevation String
no setter
zIndex String
no setter


attachToVisibleHierarchy() → void
Attach this element to the hierarchy.
close() → void
detachFromVisibleHierarchy() → void
ngAfterViewInit() → void
ngOnDestroy() → void
Executed before the directive is removed from the DOM and destroyed.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
onAutoDismiss(Event event) → void
onDismiss() → void
open() → void
toggle() → void
Toggles the visibility of the popup
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


SLIDE_DELAY → const Duration