open method

void open()

Open the datepicker popup.


void open() {
  if (_popupVisible || disabled) return;

  _popupVisible = true;

  // Initialize the date-range-editor (if it hasn't been already).

  // This is deferred twice so that the popup animation starts in
  // the next animation frame, and the date range editor init starts
  // after that. The result is that the popup animates open while the
  // date picker is initializing, rather than after it has finished
  // initializing.
  _domService.nextFrame!.then((_) {
    _domService.nextFrame!.then((_) {
      // Double-check that the popup is still opening.
      if (!_popupVisible) return; {
        allowHighlightUpdates = true;
        _lastState =;

        // Reapply min/maxDate in case they changed while the popup was
        // closed.  Changes to minDate/maxDate are deliberately not processed
        // earlier than this, because that might cause the selection to change
        // without user interaction, which is a bad user experience.  As a
        // general rule, the selection should only change as the direct and
        // immediate result of an action performed by the user.
        model.value =
            DatepickerComparison.reclamp(model.value, minDate, maxDate);
        model.minDate = minDate;
        model.maxDate = maxDate;
        model.basic = isBasic;
