FlyChatFlutterPlatform class abstract

An abstract base class for the FlyChat platform interface.

This class serves as a contract for the implementation of the MirrorFly functionality across different platforms. It defines a set of methods that platform-specific implementations of MirrorFly must provide. This ensures a consistent API surface for the higher-level Dart code that interacts with these platform-specific implementations.

The class extends PlatformInterface, leveraging the token verification mechanism to ensure that a proper subclass is provided as the implementation.

Usage: Implementations should override the methods defined in this class to provide platform-specific behavior. The static instance field should be set to the platform-specific implementation of FlyChatFlutterPlatform that is being used.

  • Object
  • PlatformInterface
  • FlyChatFlutterPlatform


Constructs a FlyChatFlutterPlatform.


blockedThisUser Stream
Stream that emits events when user is blocked.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
myProfileUpdated Stream
Stream that emits events when the current user profile is updated.
no setter
onAdminBlockedOtherUser Stream
Stream that emits events when the admin blocks another user.
no setter
onAdminBlockedUser Stream
Stream that emits events when the current user is blocked by admin.
no setter
onAvailableFeaturesUpdated Stream
Stream that emits events when the available features are updated.
no setter
onCallAction Stream
Stream that emits events when the call action is performed.
no setter
onCallLogDeleted Stream
Stream that emits events when the call log is deleted.
no setter
onCallLogsUpdated Stream
Stream that emits events when the call logs are updated.
no setter
onCallStatusUpdated Stream
Stream that emits events when the call status is updated.
no setter
onChatTypingStatus Stream
Stream that emits events when the user is typing in a single chat.
no setter
onClearAllCallLog Stream
Stream that emits events when the call log is cleared.
no setter
onConnected Stream
Stream that emits events when the server connection is connected.
no setter
onConnectionFailed Stream
Stream that emits events when the server connection is failed.
no setter
onContactSyncComplete Stream
Stream that emits events when the contact sync is completed.
no setter
onDisconnected Stream
Stream that emits events when the server connection is disconnected.
no setter
onError Stream
Stream that emits events when the call link subscribe error
no setter
onFetchingGroupMembersCompleted Stream
Stream that emits events when members are fetched from a group.
no setter
onGroupDeletedLocally Stream
Stream that emits events when a group is deleted locally.
no setter
onGroupNotificationMessage Stream
Stream that emits events when a message is received in a group.
no setter
onGroupProfileFetched Stream
Stream that emits events when a group message is fetched.
no setter
onGroupProfileUpdated Stream
Stream that emits events when a group profile is updated.
no setter
onGroupTypingStatus Stream
Stream that emits events when the user is typing in a group chat.
no setter
onLeftFromGroup Stream
Stream that emits events when a user leaves a group.
no setter
onLocalVideoTrackAdded Stream
Stream that emits events when the video call is connected and the local video track is added.
no setter
onLoggedOut Stream
Stream that emits events when the current user is logged out of the SDK.
no setter
onMediaStatusUpdated Stream
Stream that emits events when a media status is updated.
no setter
onMemberMadeAsAdmin Stream
Stream that emits events when a member is made an admin in a group.
no setter
onMemberRemovedAsAdmin Stream
Stream that emits events when a member is removed as an admin in a group.
no setter
onMemberRemovedFromGroup Stream
Stream that emits events when a member is removed from a group.
no setter
onMessageEdited Stream
Stream that emits events when a message is edited.
no setter
onMessageReceived Stream
Stream that emits events when a message is received.
no setter
onMessageStatusUpdated Stream
Stream that emits events when a message status is updated.
no setter
onMissedCall Stream
Stream that emits events when the call is missed / not answered.
no setter
onMuteStatusUpdated Stream
Stream that emits events when the users in call are muted or un-muted.
no setter
onNewGroupCreated Stream
Stream that emits events when a new group is created.
no setter
onNewMemberAddedToGroup Stream
Stream that emits events when new members are added to a group.
no setter
onRemoteVideoTrackAdded Stream
Stream that emits events when the video call is connected and the remote video track is added.
no setter
onSubscribeSuccess Stream
Stream that emits events when the call link subscribed success.
no setter
onTrackAdded Stream
Stream that emits events when the call is connected and the track (local and remote video) tracks is added.
no setter
onUploadDownloadProgressChanged Stream
Stream that emits events when a upload/ downlaod progress is changed.
no setter
onUserSpeaking Stream
Stream that emits events when the user in call is speaking.
no setter
onUserStoppedSpeaking Stream
Stream that emits events when the user in call stops speaking.
no setter
onUsersUpdated Stream
Stream that emits events when the call link users are updated
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
setTypingStatus Stream
Stream that emits events when the user is typing.
no setter
showOrUpdateOrCancelNotification Stream
Stream that emits events when notification is needed to be shown or updated or cancelled.
no setter
unblockedThisUser Stream
Stream that emits events when the user is unblocked.
no setter
userBlockedMe Stream
Stream that emits events when the current user is blocked by another user.
no setter
userCameOnline Stream
Stream that emits events when the user came online.
no setter
userDeletedHisProfile Stream
Stream that emits events when the user deleted his profile.
no setter
userProfileFetched Stream
Stream that emits events when the user profile is updated.
no setter
usersIBlockedListFetched Stream
Stream that emits events when the user i blocked list is fetched.
no setter
usersProfilesFetched Stream
Stream that emits events when the user's profile is fetched.
no setter
usersWhoBlockedMeListFetched Stream
Stream that emits events when the user who blocked me list is fetched.
no setter
userUnBlockedMe Stream
Stream that emits events when the user unblocks current user.
no setter
userUpdatedHisProfile Stream
Stream that emits events when the user updated his profile.
no setter
userWentOffline Stream
Stream that emits events when the user went offline.
no setter


acceptVideoCallSwitchRequest() Future<bool>
This method is used to accept the video call switch request.
addContact(String number, String name) Future<bool?>
This method is used to add the contact.
addUsersToGroup(String jid, List<String> userList, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to add the members to the group.
appLaunchedFromMissedCall() Future<bool?>
This method is used to get whether the app is launched from missed call.
authToken() Future<String?>
This method is used to get the Authentication Token.
blockUser(String userJID, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to block the user.
cancelMediaUploadOrDownload(String messageId) → dynamic
This method is used to cancel the media upload or download.
cancelVideoCallSwitch() Future<bool>
This method is used to cancel the video call switch.
clearAllConversation(dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to clear all the conversation.
clearChat(String jid, String chatType, bool clearExceptStarred, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to clear the chat of a user using JID.
contactSyncStateValue() Future<bool>
Queries the current contact sync state.
copyTextMessages(List<String> messageIds) → dynamic
This method is used to copy the text messages.
createGroup(String groupName, List<String> userJidList, String imageFilePath, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to create the group.
This method is used to create the meet link.
createOfflineGroupInOnline(String groupId) Future<bool?>
This method is used to get create the group in offline
createTopic({required String topicName, List<TopicMetaData> metaData = const [], dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?}) Future<void>
This method is used to create the topic.
declineCall() Future<bool?>
This method is used to decline the call.
declineVideoCallSwitchRequest() Future<bool>
This method is used to decline the video call switch request.
deleteAccount(String reason, String? feedback, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to delete the account.
deleteAllMessages() → dynamic
This method is used to delete all the messages.
deleteBusyStatus(String id, String status, bool isCurrentStatus) Future<bool?>
Deletes a busy status.
deleteCallLog(List<String> jidlist, bool isClearAll, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to delete the call log from the list.
deleteGroup(String jid, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to delete the group.
deleteMessagesForEveryone(String jid, String chatType, List<String> messageIds, bool? isMediaDelete, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to delete the messages for everyone.
deleteMessagesForMe(String jid, String chatType, List<String> messageIds, bool? isMediaDelete, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to delete the messages locally for the user.
deleteOfflineGroup(String groupJid) → dynamic
This method is used to delete group in offline.
deleteProfileStatus(String id, String status, bool isCurrentStatus) Future<bool?>
Deletes a profile status.
deleteRecentChat(String jid, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to delete the recent chat.
deleteRecentChats(List<String> jidlist, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to delete the recent chats for the provided JIDs.
deleteUnreadMessageSeparatorOfAConversation(String jid) Future<bool?>
This method is used to remove all unread message separators. jid: The JID of the conversation.
disconnectCall(dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to disconnect the call.
disposePreview() Future<void>
This method is used to clear the resources observers.
doesFetchingMembersListFromServedRequired(String groupJid) Future<bool?>
This method is used to get fetch the group members list from the server is required.
downloadMedia(String mid) → dynamic
This method is used to download the media using the message ID.
editMediaCaption({required EditMessageParams editMessageParams, required dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
This method is used to edit the media caption sent previously.
editTextMessage({required EditMessageParams editMessageParams, required dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
This method is used to edit the text message sent previously.
enableDisableArchivedSettings(bool enable, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to enable/disable the archived settings.
enableDisableBusyStatus(bool enable, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to enable or disable the busy status for the current user.
enableDisableHideLastSeen(bool enable) Future<bool?>
This method is used to enable or disable the last seen time for the current user.
exportChatConversationToEmail(String jid, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to export the chat conversation to email.
forwardMessagesToMultipleUsers(List<String> messageIds, List<String> userList, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to forward the multiple messages.
getAllAvailableAudioInput() Future<String>
This method is used to get all the available audio input.
getAllGroups([bool? server, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?]) Future<void>
This method is used to get All the groups.
getAppLaunchedDetails() Future<MirrorflyNotificationAppLaunchDetails?>
This method is used to get the app launch details.
getArchivedChatList(dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to get the Archived chat list.
getArchivedChatsFromServer() → dynamic
This method is used to get the Archived chat list from server.
getAvailableFeatures() Future<String>
This method is used to get available features.
getBusyStatusList() Future<String?>
Retrieves a list of all available busy statuses.
getCallDirection() Future<String>
This method is used to get the call direction.
getCallGroupJid() Future<String>
This method is used to get the call group JID.
This method is used to get the ongoing call link.
getCallLogsList(int currentPage, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to get the call log list.
getCallType() Future<String>
This method is used to get the call type.
getCallUsersList() Future<String>
This method is used to get the call users list.
getCurrentAuthToken() Future<String>
This method is used to get the AuthToken.
getDefaultNotificationUri() Future<String?>
This method is used to get the default notification sound URI.
getDocsMessages(String jid) Future<String?>
This method is used to get the Document messages.
getFavouriteMessages() Future<String>
This method is used to get the favourite messages.
getGroupJid(String groupId) Future<String?>
This method is used to get the group JID from the group ID.
getGroupMembersList(String jid, bool? server, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to get the group members list.
getGroupMessageDeliveredRecipients(String messageId, String jid, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to get the message delivered users list in a group.
getGroupMessageDeliveredToList(String messageId, String jid) Future<String>
This method is used to get the message delivered users list in a group.
getGroupMessageReadByList(String messageId, String jid) Future<String>
This method is used to get the message read users list in a group.
getGroupMessageSeenRecipients(String messageId, String jid, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to get the message read users list in a group.
getGroupMessageStatusCount(String messageid) Future<int?>
This method is used to get the group message status count.
getGroupProfile(String groupJid, bool server, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to get the group profile.
getInvitedUsersList() Future<List<String>>
This method is used to get the invited users list.
getIsProfileBlockedByAdmin() Future<bool?>
This method is used to check if the user is blocked by the admin.
getJid(String username) Future<String?>
This method is used to get the JID of the user from the username.
getJidFromPhoneNumber(String mobileNumber, String countryCode) Future<String?>
This method is used to get JID from the phone number.
getLastNUnreadMessages(int messagesCount) Future<String?>
This method is used to get the unread message count.
getLinkMessages(String jid) Future<String?>
This method is used to get the Link messages.
getLocalCallLogs() Future<String>
This method is used to get the local call log list.
getMaxCallUsersCount() Future<int?>
This method is used to get the max call users count.
getMediaAutoDownload() Future<bool?>
This method is used to get the media auto download settings.
getMediaMessages(String jid) Future<String?>
This method is used to get the Media messages.
getMediaSetting(int networkType, String type) Future<bool?>
This method is used to get the media settings.
getMeetUsername(String jid) Future<String>
This method is used to get the Meet username.
getMembersCountOfGroup(String groupJid) Future<int?>
This method is used to get the group members count.
getMessageOfId(String mid) Future<String?>
This method is used to get the message using Message ID.
getMessagesOfJid(String jid) Future<String?>
This method is used to get the message of a JID / user.
getMessageStatusOfASingleChatMessage(String messageID) Future<String>
This method is used to get the message status of a single chat message.
getMessagesUsingIds(List<String> messageIds) Future<String?>
This method is used to get the messages using the message ID's.
getMetaData(dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)) → dynamic
This method is used to get the metadata.
getMyBusyStatus() Future<String>
Retrieves the current busy status of the user.
getNonChatUsers() Future<String?>
This method is used to get the non chat users.
getNotificationSound() Future<bool?>
This method is used to get the notification sound.
getProfileDetails(String jid) Future<String?>
This method is used to get the user profile details.
getProfileStatusList() Future<String?>
This method is used to get the profile status list.
getRecalledMessagesOfAConversation(String jid) Future<String?>
Retrieves all messages that have been recalled in a conversation.
getRecentChatList(dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to get the recent chat list.
getRecentChatListHistory({required bool firstSet, int limit = 15, required dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
This method is used to get the recent chat history.
getRecentChatListHistoryByTopic({String? topicId, required bool firstSet, int limit = 15, required dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
This method is used to get the recent chat list history by topic.
getRecentChatListIncludingArchived() Future<String>
This method is used to get the recent chat list including archived.
getRecentChatOf(String jid) Future<String>
This method is used to get the recent chat message of a user using JID.
getRegisteredUserList({required bool server}) Future<String?>
This method is used to get the registered user list.
getRegisteredUsers(bool server, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)) Future<void>
This method is used to get the registered user list.
getTopics({required List<String> topicIds, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?}) Future<void>
This method is used to get the topic list.
getUnreadMessageCountExceptMutedChat() Future<int?>
This method is used to get the unread message count except muted chat.
getUnreadMessagesCount() Future<int?>
This method is used to get the unread message count.
getUnreadMissedCallCount() Future<int?>
This method is used to get unread missed call count.
getUnsentMessageOfAJid(String jid) Future<String?>
This method is used to get the Unsent message of a JID.
getUserLastSeenTime(String jid, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to get user's last seen time.
getUserList(int page, String search, MetaDataUserList? metaDataUserList, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response), {int perPageResultSize = 20}) Future<void>
This method is used to get the user list.
getUserProfile(String jid, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response), [bool fromserver = false, bool saveasfriend = false]) Future<void>
This method is used to get the user profile.
getUsersIBlocked(bool? server, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to get the users blocked by current user.
getUsersWhoBlockedMe([bool server = false, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?]) Future<void>
Retrieves a list of users who have blocked the current user.
getValueFromManifestOrInfoPlist({String? androidManifestKey, String? iOSPlistKey}) Future<String>
This method is used to get the value from the manifest or info.plist based on the platform.
handleReceivedMessage(Map notificationData, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to handle the FCM Push Notification Payload.
hasNextMessages() Future<bool>
This method is used to check if there is any next messages.
hasPreviousMessages() Future<bool>
This method is used to check if there is any previous messages.
init(ChatBuilder builder) → dynamic
Initializes the MirrorFly platform with the given builder configuration.
initializeMeet(String callLink, String userName, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to initialize the meet.
initializeMessageList({required String userJid, String? messageId, double? messageTime, bool? exclude, int limit = 25, String? topicId, MetaDataMessageList? metaDataMessageList, bool ascendingOrder = true}) Future<bool>
This method is used to get the message list.
initializeSDK(InitializeSDKBuilder builder, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)) Future<void>
Initializes the SDK with the specified configuration and callback.
insertBusyStatus(String busyStatus) Future<bool?>
This method is used to insert the busy status.
insertDefaultStatus(String status) Future<bool?>
This method is used to insert the default status list.
insertNewProfileStatus(String status) Future<bool?>
This method is used to insert new profile status.
inviteUsersToOngoingCall(List<String> jidList, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to invite the users to the ongoing call.
isAdmin(String userJid, String groupJID) Future<bool?>
This method is used to check if the user is admin in a group.
isArchivedSettingsEnabled() Future<bool?>
This method is used to check if archived settings are enabled or not.
isBusyStatusEnabled() Future<bool>
Retrieves the current user's busy status.
isCallConversionRequestAvailable() Future<bool?>
This method is used to check if the call conversion request is available.
isHideLastSeenEnabled() Future<bool?>
This method is used to check if the user last seen is enabled or not.
isLockScreen() Future<bool>
This method is used to get screen is from locked state or not.
isMemberOfGroup(String jid, String? userJid) Future<bool?>
This method is used to check the member is in a group.
isMuted(String jid) Future<bool?>
This method is used to get the user is muted or not.
isOnGoingCall() Future<bool?>
This method is used to check if the call is ongoing.
isPrivateStorageEnabledOrNot() Future<bool>
Checks if private storage is enabled in the SDK settings.
isTrailLicence() Future<bool?>
This method is used to check if the license is trail or not.
isUserAudioMuted([String? userJid]) Future<bool?>
This method is used to check if the user audio is muted.
isUserUnArchived(String jid) Future<bool?>
This method is used to check if the user is unarchived.
isUserVideoMuted([String? userJid]) Future<bool?>
This method is used to check if the user video is muted.
joinCall(dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to join the call.
leaveFromGroup(String? userJid, String groupJid, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to leave the group.
loadMessages(dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)) Future<void>
This method is used to load the messages.
loadNextMessages(dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)) Future<void>
This method is used to load the next messages.
loadPreviousMessages(dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)) Future<void>
This method is used to load the previous messages.
logoutOfChatSDK(dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to logout the user from the SDK.
makeAdmin(String groupjid, String userjid, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to make the user as admin in a group.
makeGroupVideoCall(String groupJid, List<String>? jidList, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to make the group video call.
makeGroupVoiceCall(String groupJid, List<String>? jidList, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to make the group voice call.
makeVideoCall(String userJid, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to make the video call.
makeVoiceCall(String userJid, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to make the voice call.
markAllUnreadMissedCallsAsRead() Future<bool?>
This method is used to mark all the unread missed calls as read.
markAsRead(String jid) Future<bool?>
This method is used to mark the conversation as read.
markAsReadDeleteUnreadSeparator(String jid) Future<bool?>
This method is used to delete the unread message separator.
markConversationAsRead(List<String> jidlist) → dynamic
This method is used to mark the conversation as read.
markConversationAsUnread(List<String> jidlist) → dynamic
This method is used to mark the conversation as unread.
mediaEndPoint() Future<String?>
Retrieves the media endpoint URL.
muteAudio(bool status, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to mute the audio.
muteVideo(bool status, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to mute the video.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
openAudioFilePicker() Future<String?>
This method is used to open the audio file picker only for the android platform.
recentChatPinnedCount() Future<int?>
This method is used to get the recent chat pinned count.
refreshAndGetAuthToken(dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to refresh and get the AuthToken.
registerUser(String userIdentifier, {String fcmToken = "", String userType = "", bool isForceRegister = true, List<IdentifierMetaData>? identifierMetaData, required dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
This method is used to register the user.
removeGroupProfileImage(String jid, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to remove the group profile image.
removeMemberFromGroup(String groupjid, String userjid, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to remove the user from group.
removeProfileImage(dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to remove the profile image.
reportChatOrUser(String jid, String chatType, String? messageId) Future
This method is used to report the chat or user.
reportUserOrMessages(String jid, String type, String? messageId, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to report the user or messages.
requestVideoCallSwitch() Future<bool>
This method is used to request the video call switch.
revokeContactSync(dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
Revokes the current contact sync operation.
routeAudioTo({required String routeType}) Future<bool?>
This method is used to route the audio to different devices.
saveMediaSettings(bool photos, bool videos, bool audio, bool documents, int networkType) → dynamic
This method is used to save the media settings.
saveUnsentMessage(String jid, String message) → dynamic
This method is used to save the unsent message.
searchConversation(String searchKey, [String? jidForSearch, bool globalSearch = true, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?]) Future<void>
This method is used to search the conversation using the keyword.
selectedAudioDevice() Future<String?>
This method is used to select the audio device.
sendAudioMessage(String jid, String filePath, bool isRecorded, String duration, String replyMessageId, {String? audioFileUrl, String? topicId}) Future<String>
This method is used to send the audio message.
sendContactMessage(List<String> contactList, String jid, String contactName, String replyMessageId, {String? topicId}) Future<String>
This method is used to send the contact message.
sendContactUsInfo(String title, String description, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to send contact us information.
sendDocumentMessage(String jid, String documentPath, String replyMessageId, {String? fileUrl, String? topicId}) Future<String>
This method is used to send the document message.
sendImageMessage(String jid, String filePath, String? caption, String? replyMessageID, {String? imageFileUrl, String? topicId}) Future<String>
This method is used to send the image message.
sendLocationMessage(String jid, double latitude, double longitude, String replyMessageId, {String? topicId}) Future<String>
This method is used to send the location message.
sendMediaFileMessage({required FileMessage messageParams, required dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
This method is used to send the file message.
sendMessage({required MessageParams messageParams, required dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
This method is used to send the message with message params type.
sendTextMessage(String message, String jid, String replyMessageId, {String? topicId}) Future<String>
This method is used to send the text message.
sendTypingGoneStatus(String toJid, String chattype) → dynamic
This method is used to remove the current user's typing status.
sendTypingStatus(String toJid, String chattype) → dynamic
This method is used to set the current user's typing status.
sendVideoMessage(String jid, String filePath, String? caption, String? replyMessageID, {String? videoFileUrl, num? videoDuration, String? thumbImageBase64, String? topicId}) Future<String>
This method is used to send the video message.
setCallEventListener(CallEventListeners callEventsListener) → dynamic
This listener is set to listen the call events.
setCallLinkEventListener(CallLinkEventListeners callLinkEventsListener) → void
This listener is set to listen the call link events.
setChatArchived(String jid, bool isArchived, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to set the chat is archived.
setConnectionEventListener(ConnectionEventListeners connectionEventsListener) → dynamic
This listener is set to listen the connection events.
setDefaultNotificationSound() Future
This method is used to set the default notification sound.
setGroupEventsListener(GroupEventListeners groupEventsListener) → dynamic
This listener is set to listen the group events.
setLastSeenVisibility(bool enable, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
Sets the visibility of the last seen time for the current user.
setMediaAutoDownload(bool enable) → dynamic
This method is used to set the media auto download settings.
setMediaEncryption(bool encryption) → dynamic
This method is used to set the media encryption.
setMessageEventListener(MessageEventListeners messageEventsListener) → dynamic
This listener is set to listen the message events.
setMuteNotification(bool enable) → dynamic
This method is used to set mute notification.
setMyBusyStatus(String busyStatus, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
Retrieves the current user's profile status.
setMyProfileStatus(String status, String statusId, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to set the user profile status.
setNotificationSound(bool enable) → dynamic
This method is used to set the notification sound.
setNotificationUri(String uri) → dynamic
This method is used to set the notification URI.
setNotificationVibration(bool enable) → dynamic
This method is used to set the notification vibration.
setOnGoingChatUser(String jid) → dynamic
This method is used to set the current user's chat page/ chat screen.
setProfileEventsListener(ProfileEventListeners profileEventsListener) → dynamic
This listener is set to listen the profile events.
setRegionCode(String regionCode) Future
This method is used to set the region code.
setTypingStatusListener() → dynamic
This method is used to set typing status listener.
startVideoCapture(dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to start the video capture in joined via link call.
switchCamera() Future
This method is used to switch the camera.
syncCallLogs() Future<bool?>
This method is used to sync the call logs.
syncContacts(bool isfirsttime, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
Synchronizes contacts with the server.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
unblockUser(String userJID, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to unblock the user.
unFavouriteAllFavouriteMessages(dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to un-favourite all favourite messages.
updateArchiveUnArchiveChat(String jid, bool isArchived) Future<bool?>
This method is used to update the Archive status of the chat.
updateChatMuteStatus(String jid, bool muteStatus) → dynamic
This method is used to update the chat mute status.
updateFavouriteStatus(String messageID, String chatUserJID, bool isFavourite, String chatType, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to update the favourite status of a message.
updateFcmToken(String firebasetoken, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to update the FCM Token to the MirrorFly server.
updateGroupName(String jid, String name, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to update the group profile name.
updateGroupProfileImage(String jid, String file, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) Future<void>
This method is used to update the group profile Image.
updateMediaDownloadStatus(String mediaMessageId, int progress, int downloadStatus, num dataTransferred) → dynamic
This method is used to update the media download status.
updateMediaUploadStatus(String mediaMessageId, int progress, int uploadStatus, num dataTransferred) → dynamic
This method is used to update the media upload status.
updateMetaData(List<IdentifierMetaData>? identifierMetaData, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)?) → dynamic
This method is used to update the metadata.
updateMyProfile(String name, String? email, String? mobile, String? status, String? image, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)) Future<void>
This method is used to update the current user profile.
updateMyProfileImage(String image, dynamic callback(FlyResponse response)) Future<void>
This method is used to update the profile image.
updateRecentChatPinStatus(String jid, bool pinStatus) → dynamic
This method is used to update the recent chat pin status.
uploadMedia(String messageid) Future<bool?>
This method is used to start uploading a media file.
verifyToken(String userName, String token) Future<String?>
This method is used to verify the Token.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

instance FlyChatFlutterPlatform
Gets the current instance of FlyChatFlutterPlatform.
getter/setter pair