initializeSDK method

Future<void> initializeSDK(
  1. InitializeSDKBuilder builder,
  2. dynamic callback(
    1. FlyResponse response

Initializes the SDK with the specified configuration and callback.

This method configures the SDK using the provided InitializeSDKBuilder settings. It is crucial to invoke this method at the start of your application to ensure the SDK is correctly set up. The callback is executed once the initialization process is complete, providing feedback on the success or failure of the operation.

builder: The InitializeSDKBuilder instance containing the SDK configuration settings. callback: A callback function that receives a FlyResponse indicating the result of the SDK initialization.

Throws UnimplementedError if the method has not been implemented in the subclass.


Future<void> initializeSDK(
    InitializeSDKBuilder builder, Function(FlyResponse response) callback) {
  throw UnimplementedError('build() has not been implemented.');