styles library
Flutter widgets implementing styles such as color and texts styles.
To use, import package:lit_ui_kit/styles.dart
- LitBoxShadows
- A collection of BoxShadow objects that can be used as decoration.
- LitColors
- A collection of Colors found throughout the LitLifeSoftware apps.
- LitSansSerifStyles
- A collection of sans serif TextStyles.
- LitSerifStyles
- A collection of serif TextStyles.
- LitTextStyles
- A collection of TextStyles used throughout the LitSoftware apps.
- black → const FontWeight
- body → const int
- body2 → const int
- bold → const FontWeight
- defaultBodySize → const double
- defaultColor → const Color
- The default text color for all TextStyles.
- defaultHeaderSize → const double
- defaultSubHeaderSize → const double
- header5 → const int
- header6 → const int
- light → const FontWeight
- looseSpacing → const double
- regular → const FontWeight
- smallBodySize → const double
- smallerBodySize → const double
- tighterSpacing → const double
- veryTightSpacing → const double