buttons library
Flutter widgets implementing custom styled buttons.
To use, import package:lit_ui_kit/buttons.dart
- AnimatedActionButton
- An action button which will be animated.
- CircularCloseButton
- A circular button, which can be pressed in order to remove a widget route from the stack or to remove a certain widget from the visible area.
- CollapseOnScrollActionButton
- An CustomActionButton whose label will be collapsed and expanded depending on the specified scroll controller's offset.
- CustomActionButton
- DialogActionButton
- A button widget primarily designed to be used on the LitTitledDialog as a LitTitledDialog.actionButtons item.
- DialogBackButton
- DummyActionButton
- LitBackButton
- LitBackButtonDefaultStyling
- LitBubbleButton
- A button widget displaying animated bubbles as its background layer.
- LitGlowingButton
- LitGradientButton
- LitPlainLabelButton
- LitPushedButton
- LitPushedThroughButton
- A button which will be animated on pressing it.
- LitRoundedElevatedButton
- LitRoundedFlatButton
- LitRoundedOutlinedButton
- LitSwitchButton
- A StatelessWidget which will create a toggleable button.
- LitToggleButton
- LitTooltipContainer
- A Container which will show a tooltip while being long pressing. The provided child will wrapped inside the Container.
- LitTransformAnimatedButton