screens library
Flutter widgets implementing screens to either persent art, display general information or to get allow basic user inputs such as age and user data.
To use, import package:lit_ui_kit/screens.dart
- ApplicationLicenseDetailsScreen
- A screen Widget displaying package license details.
- ApplicationLicensesScreen
- A screen Widget to display all packages registered in the application.
- CreditData
- LitConfirmAgeScreen
- A screen widget allowing the user to submit his age.
- LitCreditsScreen
- LitOfflineAppDisclaimerScreen
- LitOnboardingScreen
- LitPrivacyDisclaimerScreen
- A screen widget used to inform the user the app's privacy policy.
- LitPrivacyPolicyScreen
- A screen widget to display the provided privacy policy text and to enable the user to agree the privacy policy.
- LitSignUpScreen
- A screen widget allowing the user to submit his core data.
- LitStartupScreen
- A screen widget displaying a specified artwork in front of a bubble-styled animated background.
- LitStaticLoadingScreen
- A screen widgets displayed a static loading indicator.
- PhotosensitiveDisclaimerScreen
- PrivacyTag
- An model class to provide structured data display on the LitPrivacyPolicyScreen.
- TitleScreen
- A screen widget to display animated opening credits.