compute method

Future<R> compute(
  1. P params, {
  2. IsolateCallback<R>? callback,

Compute isolate manager with R is return type.

You can use callback to be able to receive many values before receiving the final result that is returned from the compute method. The final result will be returned when the callback returns true.


Without callback, the first value received from the Isolate is always the final value:

final result = await isolate.compute(params); // Get only the first result from the isolate

With callback, only the true value is the final value, so all other values is marked as the progress values:

final result = await isolate.compute(params, (value) {
      if (value is int) {
        // Do something here with the value that will be not returned to the `result`.
        print('progress: $value');
        return false;

      // The value is not `int` and will be returned to the `result` as the final result.
      return true;


Future<R> compute(P params, {IsolateCallback<R>? callback}) async {
  await start();

  final queue = IsolateQueue<R, P>(params, callback);


  return queue.completer.future;